View Full Version : What s trigger Dire Boars?

04-15-14, 07:22 PM
Just wondering, except of harvesting strawberry, is the any other way to bring out the Dire Boars?

04-15-14, 08:48 PM
I get them all the time with iron rich rocks ..they cost. 5,000.. 8 hits ... I buy 5-6 of these and get maybe 4-5 boars from the group

04-16-14, 03:15 AM
This thread (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?66930-Castle-Story-03-27-2014-Update-Troll-Tribe-Part-2) has more discussions on dire boars.

A quick summary of reported triggers:
* Ponds
* Wells
* Swampy pond
* Strawberries
* Iron rich rocks
* Maple trees
* Sparkling mines
* Sawmills
* Sabina's house
* Thurston's fort
* Magic garden
* Tablet of tabernum
* Ivy's hut