View Full Version : Question about Trees for: TeamLava/Forum Moderators/any one else who might know

04-14-14, 03:19 AM
I am currently playing Farm Story ( Version ) on a Samsung phone ( so am using Android - Version 2.3.6. ) And, as has been noted by Android users in other threads, am unable to download Farm Story 2 in Google Play.

But - what I want to know is: why can I NOT get the following Trees? ( they do NOT appear in my Market ) -

Persimmon Tree
Cherimoya Tree
Fruitcake Tree
Pot of Gold Tree
Mom Tree

and why the following Trees are no longer offered [ Discontinued ( and seemed to be gone after being offered in the Market for such a short amount of time? ) ] -

Gold Coin Tree
Shamrock Tree ( I actually bought ONE of these, but them it was gone before I was able to, or had enough coins to, buy more)
Magic Egg Tree ( same deal as on the Shamrock Tree, above )
Haunted Apple Tree
Fruit Bat Tree
Peppermint Tree ( I actually bought TWO of these, but them it was gone before I was able to, or had enough coins to, buy more)
Candy Cane Tree ( same deal as on the Shamrock Tree, above )

And, yes, I finally figured out that the "Updates" ARE updates. *Sarcasm mode on* Thanks a lot TeamLava *sarcasm mode off* for NOT making it clear in the offer that these WERE updates, not a different themed, different version of the same game ( Farm Story. ) I DID manage to update, have in my Market, and buy some Thankful Trees, Tie Trees, Olive Trees, and Lychee Trees that way ( by downloading and installing the Fall Harvest, Thanksgiving, and Father's Day updates. )

But what about the other trees listed, above? I REALLY wanted to have at least four ( 4 ) of each of these.

Anyone know anything about this? / can perhaps offer some guidance? / can direct me to the proper thread ( if this question has already been asked and addressed? )

Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.


04-19-14, 08:41 PM
Ive been playing for over two (2) years and I noticed that one of my neighbors has an Angel Trumpet Tree. When I asked him, he said that it was a while back but that Team Lava had discontinued them. WHY?? Why discontinue a TREE????

We need more updates and more new trees,,,not you taking them away from us. Come on.. help us here, please!!

04-20-14, 03:51 AM
Bring back the angel trumpet trees. I used to grow them in my garden and they are super to look at. I would love some.

04-20-14, 05:21 AM
TL stopped giving updates in the Fall of last year. You can see more here : http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59568-Farm-Updates

Unfortunately those trees were removed and probably will never be put back in the game. If you play on an android device you might still have access to some or all of the trees if you can find and download the version on which they were released.

04-20-14, 05:29 PM
Thanks. That's what I was afraid of. And, yes, I think I had been to the thread you listed in your post, above, before I started this thread ( thinking it might BE this thread, but is sort of a related thread, instead. )

04-24-14, 03:29 PM
Robert, I think it might be what we play on. I play on an old Ipod touch and I can still get the Pot of Gold Tree and the Mom Tree. they also have a Breadfruit Tree.
I don't have the other ones you mentioned avalable to buy.
The second list that you have looks more like holiday trees, which they could at least bring back each holiday. Not like they have to add something new to the game, just put out what they offered before.

04-25-14, 06:48 AM
Robert, I think it might be what we play on. I play on an old Ipod touch and I can still get the Pot of Gold Tree and the Mom Tree. they also have a Breadfruit Tree.
I don't have the other ones you mentioned avalable to buy.
The second list that you have looks more like holiday trees, which they could at least bring back each holiday. Not like they have to add something new to the game, just put out what they offered before.

What version of the game are you playing on? Do you know?