View Full Version : 487-492 Confection Country

04-09-14, 09:01 PM
1. thaw the lower left ice cubes to turn on the upper right color.
2. by the time you get the color turned on, the bubble blowers will have blown up bubbles that are 1 away from the lower-right baby. Aim a bubble just right and you'll get one "crack" on that baby.
3. then get the upper right colors turned on. with one of your next bubbles (depending on the color), bounce one up so that it extends the main color that blocks you from the two lightning bolts. that way you can access those and drop the whole thing at once.
4. finish up the lower right light bulb. (stash extra bubbles under the lower right (but don't block your way of the main colors there) so that they drop when you pop them.)
5. if the bubble blowers played nice, you should be able to drop the whole thing with 1 shot.
NOTE: you don't need to crack the eggs on the side - the lightning bolts will do that for you.

6. just hit the lightning bolt in the middle and hope for a good chain reaction that clears out a ton of well placed bubbles!
7. Get to the star bubbles as soon as you can and rescue 'dem babies!

04-10-14, 01:45 PM
1. the lower level is pretty straightforward. avoid popping the blocks of 4 sick bubbles by matching up the appropriate red and purple pops.
2. once one of the big halves is dropped, if you need to wait one turn for the color to change, carefully crack an egg supporting a doom bubble or toss one up higher to start dropping the red/purple combos with frozen doom bubbles.
3. for those, just go right to left or left to right and drop them in order. You might be able to save 1 extra bubble here... when you get to the last 2 top/bottom sections (going right to left) (so that there are 4 doom bubbles left), if you're off a color, pop the top right group of 3, then with the next shot (if you have the right color), pop the bottom left group when it changes to the same color as the top left and all 3 sections will fall. again, it only saves 1 bubble, but you might need it.

key: the key in this next group is to free the bubbles around the doom bubbles to you can clear a path for some super bombs. To do that, note the solid colors of bubbles supporting the doom bubbles and, when you are able, pop the changing colors to get the ones above it.
4. what worked best for me was to attack the right side of the hive and bounce in shots. I tried left first and wasn't getting anywhere but when I tried the left side I made a lot more progress.
5. small thing, but the bubbles do not seem to "slide" around each other very well, so if it's not a direct shot, squeezing it around another bubble may not work.
6. once you start to get the top groups of doom bubbles free, there will be a path to bounce over a shot to a fireworks bubble (notice it on the preview on the way down). It helps to see it but it's not critical.
7. at any rate, hit that, and if fireworks cooperate, they'll pop the lightning bolt bubbles which will drop you 6 firebombs with which you can free da babies.
8. 5 of them are easy to clear. if you're feeling ***-shy on the only one that's really protected (top left corner), and you have a few extra bubbles, toss a few back in the corner to "catch" the firebomb bubble and free that last baby.
Good luck!

04-11-14, 10:03 AM

Hey, Bubblemancer, I don't see how this is possible in 50 bubbles w/out a boost. That top baby on the bottom diamond is really hard to get to b/c of the angle. In 20 attempts, I've only cleared the bottom diamond 3 times, I think, with only 10 or so bubbles left - not nearly enough for the top group. I'll keep at it, though. Just an early heads-up.


04-11-14, 12:04 PM
Hello Thundertim35!

I suppose I could spare a few extra bubbles, and work a little magic to fix that bottom diamond...
Awesome work with the walkthroughs and thanks for the heads up!
I'm always happy to see the frontrunners making sure players that follow them have a good time!

Good luck with the rest of Confection Country! I can't wait to see the rest of your guides!

04-11-14, 08:42 PM
489 update:

Thanks, Bubblemancer for the quick fix. It's an enjoyable level, now - thanks!

The bottom diamond is pretty straightforward as is the top pinwheel/cake. Happy popping!

04-11-14, 08:56 PM

1. Refresh the starting bubbles until you get two that are the same as the "wings" on the side of the hive. That will clear those out quickly and give you access to the top two eggs.
2. After you pop the wings, pop the middle bubble of those next three, then the two next to it, but be sure to pop those so that the color of the unfrozen bubble that is touching both the egg and the sick bubble is the opposite color of the sick bubble so you don't waste 3 bubbles.
3. clear the eggs and you're off to the next section.

There is just 1 baby in the top section - the lowest snow covered bubble.
4. Work the left side to turn on the light bulb then back up the right side to hit one of the lightning bolts.
A little patience and good aiming and you'll get through it!

04-13-14, 12:23 PM
Hey guys, thank you for changing 489- it is much easier now. I am stuck on 491 though - way too few bubbles, way too many spiders.... Has anyone gotten through yet? Is there any hope???

04-13-14, 03:21 PM
On 491, so far, I've been able to pop the chain with 10 bombs still remaining, but have not been able to reach the two highest babies. It seems there are not enough bubbles, but I haven't given up yet. There may be a creative way to do this that I haven't yet stumbled upon.

04-13-14, 07:42 PM
anidor3 and lincstrake, I'm in the same boat. My strategy lately has been to spend 2 bombs to **** as many spiders as possible, then focus on popping the rest and save bombs to blast through the black goo at the top. I've gotten up to the top but came a couple of bubbles short. I think a lot depends on the spider aggression and getting the right colors to pop big chains. I think we'll get it eventually!

04-14-14, 04:21 AM
Yippy, I'm through!!! I went through the bottom half with 10 bombs and 30bubbles left, used 2 od them to **** spiders at the bottom of the upper half. Basically, I did the same thing as before but this time the spiders were somewhat less aggressive and i was lucky to get the right color bubbles. So overall, it was more luck than stategy...

In the next level you will see more blowers than in all of the previous levels combined - the sight freaked me out at first. However, they only blow two colors so you will be able to get rid of huge amounts of bubbles with each bubble you throw. So I passed it at my first try! GL!

04-15-14, 06:51 AM
wow, good job anidor3! you give us hope!

04-15-14, 12:21 PM
Level 491, I tried already over 150 times but i can not save the last 2 babies, i get also 10 bombs and 29 bubbles for the second section, but the colors changing all the time, it is defintly no fun :-(

04-15-14, 11:03 PM
Well, they've added a lot more bubbles so it's not as hard anymore, I've just passed it again. Now it?s between you and those pesky spiders! :-)

Eagerly looking for new levels!

04-16-14, 05:56 AM
How did you win the 113 level???

04-16-14, 09:41 AM
Bidzy, you'll find some help here:

04-17-14, 07:50 PM
Okay, here's my best plan... close to what anidor3 says (except the Bubblemancer increased the number of starting bubbles. thank you!)
Pop the ?free? prize bubbles on the left and right side, Then the two in the middle.
Then blow up the egg babies on the lower right/left.
That will free up two more prize bubbles in easy reach (4 total bombs, now).
Hit a sharp angle shot on the left so that it blows up two bombs and the baby (6 bombs now).
Then there will be an exposed prize bubble on that side (7 bombs).
Hit a sharp angle on the right, now, to hit the baby and 2 bombs (8 bombs).
Blow up the prize bubbles next to the doom bubbles guarding the keys and you?ll get through with 8 bombs and 48 bubbles.

This section depends on a lot on how frisky the spiders are.
I usually blow up the group in the middle first, ****ing 4 right away.
Then if you can get 2 or 3 more at a time, **** away.
Save at least 4 bombs for the top though, to blast through the ***k.

Have fun!

04-17-14, 07:55 PM

This is one of the most fun levels in the 400's.
There are a TON of bubble blowers, but only 2 colors. Big pops and drops. No real strategy except for popping the eggs. Blast away!

04-19-14, 05:39 AM

This is one of the most fun levels in the 400's.
There are a TON of bubble blowers, but only 2 colors. Big pops and drops. No real strategy except for popping the eggs. Blast away!


04-26-14, 02:47 PM
Kristanlh always the last word :-) but you are rigth, ok, tell me how to beat 498 ?

04-26-14, 08:31 PM
Actually I'm only on 496, sorry! Been busy with travel and work. Just saw the new level today. Will return with tips when I can!

04-27-14, 06:42 AM
OK just beat the whole island.

For 498...

- As ever, productive shots are really important. Meaning shots that help you: (1) save babies before spiders get them, (2) pop bubbles to keep them from building up too quickly, (3) break ice bubbles, (4) get prize bubbles. The more of those things that one shot does at the same time, the better.

- Personally, my strategy was to save the middle baby first. Then go after the two lower prize bubbles on either side (and in the process, get rid of those bubble blowers).

- Then, I ignored the spider stuck on the egg bubble in the middle and just went after the other prize bubbles. (Note: I did have to use one fireball to save a baby before a spider could get to it.)

- Once I had all the prizes, I popped the egg bubble in the middle (****ing the spider in the process) and then cleared a path to the bubble blowers and babies in the middle, until I was close enough to use 2 fireballs to **** the blowers, and then the next fireball to save the babies and win.

Not sure if this is the best way, as I only played the level a few times, but it worked.