View Full Version : how to play the game?

04-02-14, 05:21 AM
is there a guide anywhere? can't get past level 1 lol.don't have a problem with jewel mania.

04-02-14, 09:04 AM
The basics are in the game itself. Hit the little gear-looking button on bottom-right for settings. There's a Help button (says "view" on it,) which will lead you to help/FAQ. Scroll down to find How to play & select your topic. If you have specific questions after reading all that, post here and someone will be happy to help! :)

I don't know if there's a guide here. I did a quick search and found some threads. [To search: On main Bubble Mania | Discussions page, go to Search Forum on the right side just above the Title/Thread Starter bar. Press the arrow & type something in the drop-down, like how to play, or "level 1" (include quotes when you use numbers.) Choose Show posts (my fave way) or Show threads and hit search!] Here's a thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?47366-Is-there-a-game-guide-posted-that-gives-new-players-information-about-playing) with some basic info.

Good luck & enjoy! ;)

04-02-14, 10:02 AM
I forgot, meant to add some basic info. But for now, just follow the little tutorials--it's not going to hurt anything if you try and "do it the wrong way," lol. ;) Your goal is to hit 2 or more bubbles the same color as the one you're holding (you can switch colors if necessary--press the double arrows.) Tap where you want the bubble to land. The more bubbles you pop at once, the higher the score. You earn more for dropping other bubbles (by popping bubbles above them.) You earn bonus points when you pop bubbles for multiple turns in-a-row (for popping bubbles, rather than just placing one next to another.) You'll understand more as you go along...

Your real goal every round is to rescue the babies (the kittens trapped in the little colored bubbles.) When you've rescued them all, the round's over. There are lots of types of bubbles, obstacles, boosts, etc. you'll discover as you go along. But there's also lots of info, especially on individual levels, here at the forum (try searching.) If you can't find what you need, post a question in the thread with the "closest theme" or try the basic The Help Me Thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?30865-The-Help-Me-Thread) (it's full of great tips! Try Search thread to find something specific in it.) Unfortunately, when BM first started, the levels were labeled differently (by island #, dash, level...for example: 1-3 for level 3, or 3-4 for level 16. Something to keep in mind as you're looking thru.) There are lots of expert players at this forum (I'm not one--'least not yet, lol!) who are very helpful. Someone will be happy to help you with questions! :)

04-02-14, 12:38 PM
ta for that.

04-02-14, 01:46 PM
Hey echo005, did you go through any tutorial when you first played? This should walk you through the game and teach you how to play.