View Full Version : What to gift?

03-31-14, 07:32 PM
Hey so I was wondering what the best gift I should give to my friends if they request parts that obviously is the most important but what about food vs parts these are what the foods are worth

Chocolate Cake.......... 150 pieces=300 coins
Croissants..............100 pieces=400 coins
Brownies................200 pieces=200 coins
Cappuccino.............50 pieces=500 coins
So as far as foods are concerned cappuccinos are the best choice but should I be gifting my friends parts over the food an if so what parts?

03-31-14, 07:40 PM
Basic parts such as gear, screw, paint.....
Cappucino is the best among food, it worths 500 coins

03-31-14, 08:18 PM
Yeah just found that out thnx

03-31-14, 09:35 PM
You can always check out sehana's awesome charts (links for them are in the bakery story guide thread) to see which parts are commonly used. Screws are the most common I think, but other useful ones are gear, paint, and wiring is used for a couple machines too. A lot of players consider basic parts to be fuse through wiring (except motor because it's only used for a couple goal ovens). I personally think what you gift and want to receive just depends on your playing style, and the playing style of your neighbors. Some of my neighbors prefer capp, and some just want useable parts. Majority of my neighbors post what they need on my wall or theirs so I just send what they ask for. But not everybody has the time to play like that or time to visit everyday so do what works best for you. Some players just rotate sending cappuccino with commonly used parts. I found all of my best neighbors by looking through threads in the add me forum and adding players that play like I do :). All of the useful information I have found in the year I've been playing is summarized in the group threads so it is a great resource for new players. I hope this helps!

04-01-14, 08:35 AM
Basic parts such as gear, screw, paint.....
Cappucino is the best among food, it worths 500 coins

I alternate between basic parts and cappuccino. Odd days get parts and even days get cappuccino. Of course when we get challenges, I'll gift any special parts 4 a few days.

04-01-14, 09:53 AM
Hey so I was wondering what the best gift I should give to my friends if they request parts that obviously is the most important but what about food vs parts these are what the foods are worth

Chocolate Cake.......... 150 pieces=300 coins
Croissants..............100 pieces=400 coins
Brownies................200 pieces=200 coins
Cappuccino.............50 pieces=500 coins
So as far as foods are concerned cappuccinos are the best choice but should I be gifting my friends parts over the food an if so what parts?

Unfortunately newer players seem to prefer brownies since there are more servings. I don't get it either, but sometimes it's good to ask what they want.

04-01-14, 02:01 PM
Unfortunately newer players seem to prefer brownies since there are more servings. I don't get it either, but sometimes it's good to ask what they want.

Newer players have problems with food selling out, especially overnight, and probably aren't aware of the prices on food that takes longer to cook.They probably gift brownies because of the higher servings.

04-01-14, 08:06 PM
I alternate between basic parts and cappuccino. Odd days get parts and even days get cappuccino. Of course when we get challenges, I'll gift any special parts 4 a few days.

I have similar pattern with you, sending special parts for about a week
but I usually gift basic parts except for those who insist to receive cappucino,
food seems to be meaningless especially to high level players, as their bakeries are already packed with food.

04-01-14, 08:19 PM
I have similar pattern with you, sending special parts for about a week
but I usually gift basic parts except for those who insist to receive cappucino,
food seems to be meaningless especially to high level players, as their bakeries are already packed with food.

Depends. I am a high level player who loves getting cappuccino even though I have a bakery with too much food on my counters.

04-01-14, 08:25 PM
Depends. I am a high level player who loves getting cappuccino even though I have a bakery with too much food on my counters.

Sure I understand, actually all those who ask for cappucino are lv99 with loads of food in their bakery,
I guess this is like what is in the real world, rich people with big business wouldn't letgo any chance to make profit.:D

04-01-14, 09:58 PM
I am Level 99 and I prefer cappuccino. I have over 600 of each of the basic parts and will never, ever, be able to use them all. I can at least sell cappuccino.

When there are goals, I prefer special parts. I like to get them even well after I've built my new appliances, since they may be used again in the future.

04-05-14, 09:45 AM
Sure I understand, actually all those who ask for cappucino are lv99 with loads of food in their bakery,
I guess this is like what is in the real world, rich people with big business wouldn't letgo any chance to make profit.:D

Not really. I just have a lot of parts, like nmishii so I'm never really urgently in need of anything. Right now I'm building appliances so my parts are going down and so I am trying to build up my stock of parts again. But usually I'm good with either parts or cap.

I take special parts after I am finished building too for the same reason as nmishii.

04-05-14, 12:29 PM
I am Level 99 and I prefer cappuccino. I have over 600 of each of the basic parts and will never, ever, be able to use them all. I can at least sell cappuccino.

When there are goals, I prefer special parts. I like to get them even well after I've built my new appliances, since they may be used again in the future.

Thanks for that. I sometimes wonder what to gift my higher level friends that have tons of food and already have 10 royal ovens going :p I have been gifting basics, but they too probably have more than they need. I will start asking :)