View Full Version : Market Request FAIL :(

03-31-14, 01:13 PM
I had two days to get 120 Roast Chickens to the market. I thought for sure I'd have no problem. I'm always maxed out on roast chickens and often can't hold them all. I figured this quest would be easy.

Well, I'm not sure what went wrong but today the quest was about to end. I was at 97% .... and I didn't make it. I have 6 chickens and a Level 2 Hatchery, but it just wasn't good enough. Hurts when you come so close.

I just wanted to vent to my fellow Castle Story buddies who hopefully will understand. :( :(

03-31-14, 01:47 PM
Yeah, that hurts. It's a tough lesson you learn early, be careful giving items when you're on a time deadline.

I've learned that sometimes you need to buy/build more animals/plants/buildings when you're on a time crunch. Maybe that's really the lesson the game is trying to teach you, since you'll usually need this extra production later.

03-31-14, 03:09 PM
I always found it good to check ahead of time what would be required for the market quests (check this thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?40801-Market-quests)). If I wasn't already maxed I'd put the markets in storage so I wouldn't accidentally trigger the quest. I also made sure that I had two of each of the resource buildings as they're a big help.