View Full Version : Food Supply Question

03-28-14, 06:59 AM
I have 18 staple items that I always have available in my restaurant. Each item has over 30,000 plates of food on the counter. Also, there are 5 or 6 counters that have goal food or seasonal food on them.

How long do you think I can go without cooking food?

03-28-14, 07:01 AM
It depends on how much food you sell per day. If you know that then you can easily figure it out.

03-28-14, 08:13 AM
Thanks for your answer, bobby race. What's the best/easiest way to calculate how much food you sell a day?

03-28-14, 08:20 AM
If you have all four coin food you only need to make a note of how much money you have at the beginning of your day then another note at the end of your day. Subtract the first from the last then divide it by four.

But the amount you see per day depends on the layout of your chairs and bakery.I'm sure some bright spark (filochick? Nmishii?) will come along and tell you how to calculate it when you have food of various coin value on your counters. :)

Take a look at this thread : http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?64688-Profits-and-Strategy/page2&highlight=Strategy

03-28-14, 04:44 PM
I tend 2 ck every day. I've maxed on all appliances except for 5 and I've got 22 slots for them so I'm cooking on reg appliances or drink mixers. What am I cooking? High coin producing recipes so I've got a cash reserve 4 challenges. W the cost of challenge appliances u need all the coins possible. I don't know how often u remodel/redecorate but the last time I did, I lowered my cash reserves and I'm finally catching back up 1 month
I don't know y u don't want 2 cook, but u need 2 make sure uve got a good bank acct and that the food uve got on ur counters will help increase ur balance greatly.

04-01-14, 10:17 AM
I tend 2 ck every day. I've maxed on all appliances except for 5 and I've got 22 slots for them so I'm cooking on reg appliances or drink mixers. What am I cooking? High coin producing recipes so I've got a cash reserve 4 challenges. W the cost of challenge appliances u need all the coins possible. I don't know how often u remodel/redecorate but the last time I did, I lowered my cash reserves and I'm finally catching back up 1 month
I don't know y u don't want 2 cook, but u need 2 make sure uve got a good bank acct and that the food uve got on ur counters will help increase ur balance greatly.

Like most of us she probably has too much food and not enough space to keep adding to it. Sometimes the best way to make some decent money is to just stop cooking and allow the food to sell off.