View Full Version : Expanding Your Bakery

03-16-14, 03:14 AM
Has anyone else just about given up on saving up enough money to expand their bakery? I say this and i'm only at the 6,000,000 expansion lol. And I have bought gems before, but I would MUCH rather use them to decorate my bakery, rather than expand it. I basically refuse to use gems to expand.

It's just so hard and takes so long to save up that much money for it, especially with the weekly updates (if I like them; I LOVED the ice cream theme and bought dozens of tables and chairs). And the goals too, they pretty much require you to dump tens, if not hundreds of thousands of coins for them. I know goals are an option, but I want to do them.

I've done the whole "efficient layout/make nothing but RVC" methods to make money, and, while they really DO work, to me, it seems like too much work to put into a lighthearted game and takes some fun out of it. The fact that a game like this pretty much REQUIRES such manipulation if you don't want to spend real money, well...it kinda sucks lol.

It's taking me quite a while to save up the 6 million. I can't even imagine how long it would take to save up 20,000,000 and the other outrageous expansion prices. And all that money spent into getting one measly little square added around your bakery.

I always end up regretting the expansion at first, because I end up so poor that I can't decorate the new section (or end up not being able to afford matching the decoration on the newly expanded section), so it's just blank and ugly while the rest of my bakery is cute lol. And to see my coin total plummet so drastically in an instant is kind of painful lol. But I WANT to make my bakery bigger so I can fit more cute stuff in it.

I started playing well after the price hike, so I can't even imagine how helpless and angry long-time players must have felt.

Anyone else feel the same?

Also, would it **** TL to make some newer recipes higher profit? Everything is +4 (or +0 like the valentines cookie glitch lol). Why no +6, +8, etc recipes?

03-16-14, 03:43 AM
I was reading your post and had to check the expansion price when I saw 6mil - I had always thought that it's 8. Now I can expand! :D

I see expansion as an option - I'm not very good at decorating and so the extra space's always a challenge. That said, I love a bigger bakery (more business, eh?) so I guess I'm still expanding (with coins). Not sure what level you're on but an efficient structure (With an extra door) helps a lot, I found - and I'm making around 200k everyday (not as much as some other players but sufficient for saving/ other purposes, I found).

03-16-14, 04:01 AM
I know my next expansion was is like 12,000,000 and I almost got there when ice theme came and I already had a gelato stand and ice cream castle to go good so I had too but than saved up again and got opportunity to buy old Halloween items so I spent like 5000000 on that. So I don't know when I will expand

03-16-14, 04:43 AM
I know my next expansion was is like 12,000,000 and I almost got there when ice theme came and I already had a gelato stand and ice cream castle to go good so I had too but than saved up again and got opportunity to buy old Halloween items so I spent like 5000000 on that. So I don't know when I will expand

Wait there're old Halloween items for sale in the past few weeks? I've totally missed that!

03-16-14, 10:22 AM
I've only expanded once since the price hike so long ago. My next expansion I believe is the 10M one, and I honestly dont think I'll ever get there. I'm coming to terms with it though, because for me the most enjoyable part of the game is decorating, and I redesign my bakery very often. That is expensive though of course, so when I get an idea in my head and redecorate, I'm basically spending any money I saved since the last update. I'm at a standstill of about 2.5M. I can't seem to get any higher for any length of time, so 10M really feels unattainable. Because I love decorating so much, I desperately want more space in which to do that, but it seems as if I can't have both without buying gems. So, for now, I've given up on expanding and just focusing on using the space I have well. Which is a challenge in and of itself, when you have so many pretty things you want to put out.

03-16-14, 01:13 PM
I know my next expansion was is like 12,000,000 and I almost got there when ice theme came and I already had a gelato stand and ice cream castle to go good so I had too but than saved up again and got opportunity to buy old Halloween items so I spent like 5000000 on that. So I don't know when I will expand

ice cream castle? O.O never heard of it! I'm intrigued.

03-16-14, 03:23 PM
Well it sounds like u need 2 make a decision and that's which is more important- decorating or expanding? Cuz it'll only take 40 gems 2 expand and u get 2 4 every recipe u master. Or r u at the pt where u don't have that many 2 choose from? I paid in coins until I got 2 the 10k expansion then I went 2 gems, but I was more interested in expansion then a beautiful bakery.
So will it b beauty or bigger?
O and I started in July 2012 but never bought anything or expanded until after the price hike I think.:rolleyes:

03-16-14, 05:59 PM
Well it sounds like u need 2 make a decision and that's which is more important- decorating or expanding? Cuz it'll only take 40 gems 2 expand and u get 2 4 every recipe u master. Or r u at the pt where u don't have that many 2 choose from? I paid in coins until I got 2 the 10k expansion then I went 2 gems, but I was more interested in expansion then a beautiful bakery.
So will it b beauty or bigger?
O and I started in July 2012 but never bought anything or expanded until after the price hike I think.:rolleyes:

That's what I debate with every day lol. When I get over 3,000,000 coins, new stuff starts to come out, and if I love it, I buy it. I figure that TL might randomly decide to remove items and i would rather play it safe and buy what I want right away. The expansions will always be there, but decorations might not.

03-16-14, 06:45 PM
Wait there're old Halloween items for sale in the past few weeks? I've totally missed that!

ice cream castle? O.O never heard of it! I'm intrigued.
I found this website that lets you download old Halloween bakery story and I spent a lot on it ,and the ice cream castle was from black Friday sale it cost 49 gems and I have only used once so gems not well spent

03-19-14, 09:15 PM
its is really hard to expand if not much coins to buy it...that is why i am using gems for expansion(i dont buy gems) i got it from mastering the food and thru those new updates lol...argh! im on 12M to expand, still 6 more expansion to reach the 23x26 lol

03-20-14, 03:09 AM
Is there a certain number of neighbors required for expanding or "just" coins?

03-20-14, 12:50 PM
Is there a certain number of neighbors required for expanding or "just" coins?

If you're buying expansions with coins, you have to have a certain number of neighbors. If you expand with gems, you don't have a neighbor requirement.

03-21-14, 03:18 AM
I can't agree more. I am now at the 10 mil mark and it seems forever to save them (even though I have around 8.3 mil :p)

03-21-14, 04:01 AM
If you're buying expansions with coins, you have to have a certain number of neighbors. If you expand with gems, you don't have a neighbor requirement.

Ah, thanks :)
Is there somehere a list where I can see how many neighbors are required for each expansion?

03-21-14, 05:12 AM
Ah, thanks :)
Is there somehere a list where I can see how many neighbors are required for each expansion?
I can't see the lower ones on mine since my nbr list is in the 40's, but the highest number of nbrs you'll need is 50. :-)

I'm sorta saving toward my 8 mil expansion, but beyond that, I doubt I'll even try. It's so hopeless and takes so long, it's too discouraging and frustrating, I just don't care anymore, I'll work with the space I have. :-/

03-21-14, 11:25 AM
Expansions for Bakery are definitely a slow process. I'm level 99 for both Bakery and Restaurant. I bake daily to master recipes and am at the point where I can buy what I want (coin items) when I want (wish that was the case in real life!) and decorate for fun rather than to maximize profits. I find I can't bake full tilt (I have 18 slots) otherwise I stockpile food and would have way too many counters. I want my place to look nice, not like a buffet on steroids! On Restaurant I gradually saved the 32.5 million to do the last 3 expansions at once. In Bakery expansions are 4x more expensive. I have 3 more expansions to go and the next one alone is 30 million. I'm at 30 million now and figure I'll expand once I have another 2 million (I like to have cash overflow for shopping purposes!). The last 2 expansions are 40 and 60 million which seem back breaking! I'm saving gems for decorations. I suppose TL raised the prices of expansion to make it more challenging, but saving another 100 million just doesn't seem attainable!