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View Full Version : Fashion Update 3-18-14

03-15-14, 08:42 AM

It's finally warm out, perfect for some outdoor activities! Have a Croquet Party for your customers in Fashion Story!

from https://www.facebook.com/fashionstory

From TL Blog
Parting is such sweet sorrow, except for when it comes time to part with your Winter wardrobe. Say goodbye to thick layers and furry earmuffs and say hello to short sleeves and cute skirts! What?s the best way to show off your new looks? Strut your stuff in the Tulip Mirror in Fashion Story (https://www.facebook.com/fashionstory)!
Warm up your Boutique with these new additions:

Violet Tulip Lamp
Spring Candy Mannequin
Spring Goddess
Fairy Tale Spring

Blossom Box


2nd place
Green Thumb
Croquet Display
Spring Goddess




http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/Jo65ha/fashion_story-2014-03-18-12-40-10.png (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/Jo65ha/media/fashion_story-2014-03-18-12-40-10.png.html)

Okay so I tried for the spring goddess no luck, I got 2nd place prizes though the croquet display and the other display is called green thumb you see there the mannequin and mirror both 4th place prizes.

PLEASE!!!! DO NOT add me as a neighbor to come see these items are not out I just stored them in my inventory for the time being thank you in adavance

I had to edit this again 3 request regardless..LOL read people
http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/Jo65ha/fashion_story-2014-03-18-03-25-15.png (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/Jo65ha/media/fashion_story-2014-03-18-03-25-15.png.html) Got it 3rd place

Green Thumb
http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y416/kookypanda99/A0AF494E-9E7A-44E8-B381-02171AFF18BA_zps8dqlfjfx.jpg (http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/kookypanda99/media/A0AF494E-9E7A-44E8-B381-02171AFF18BA_zps8dqlfjfx.jpg.html)

03-15-14, 09:36 AM
Hoping a gem sale comes my way before Tuesday! I love it :)

03-15-14, 09:45 AM
I'm so happy teasers are back!

That's cute,I wonder if it will be the LTO or box item!

03-15-14, 11:05 AM
I'm so happy teasers are back!

That's cute,I wonder if it will be the LTO or box item!

oh pooh!! I bet it is a box - we haven't had one for a while on FS

03-15-14, 11:21 AM
It's adorable and I want it! Which is why most likely it will be in a box. :p

03-15-14, 01:12 PM
Hoping a gem sale comes my way before Tuesday! I love it :)

I agree. I haven't had a gem sale in a really long time which is strange since I've gotten them in the other story games.

I'm really glad teasers are back. The display looks really cute, but I agree...probably a box.

03-15-14, 01:36 PM
Oh my gosh a teaser!!!!! *Runs around squealing* It's adorable no box please: ) I must go get a Google play card & wait for gem sale..

03-15-14, 01:57 PM
So excited for a teaser : ) I went and posted on my neighbors walls ones I know that read here.. I hope it continues.

03-15-14, 02:25 PM
☆Soooo cute! Will be buying for sure!!! Thx for the headsup dover baby!!!☆

03-15-14, 03:56 PM
If it's a box maybe they'll do what they did last yr with the Holiday egg box & open it a few days later to buy. If it's a box I'm not opening it for a few days. Last yr was a dirty trick I already spent my gems & missed out on the open box option. But fingers & toes crossed for NO box please TL :)

03-15-14, 04:37 PM
I'm sure itll be a box item. But at least it doesn't have walls! If I open any ill have to redecorate since everything is more geared the colorful items. It's such a hassle.

03-15-14, 05:07 PM
Yay teasers! I love it, it's fun and super cute. No doubt it's a box. We got one in bakery, so I'm sure we'll get one in FS too.

03-15-14, 09:36 PM
Yay, the teasers are back! Keeping us even more excited and anxious for the weekly updates!

03-16-14, 12:27 PM
I ABSOLUTELY love this!!! I want it! Yay for teasers.

This was suggested in the suggestion thread so its great to see TL taking note and creating such fantastic displays!

It goes to show, if you have an idea, put it out there.

03-16-14, 03:00 PM
looks like a LTO box

03-16-14, 11:52 PM
I love the new display and the fact that teasers are back!!! What sucks though is that St. Patty's may or may not be released :(

03-17-14, 07:02 PM
yessss it's a teaser! I hope TL will release a teaser for every update like they used to do :)

03-17-14, 08:02 PM
Love this design! I pray it's not in a box--or worse--locked at level 70+ again! The last 3 weeks have been locked at levels above 70. I actually noticed that Stormie isn't even above level 70--so he/she/it wouldn't even be able to display the update in their boutique!

03-17-14, 11:28 PM
Sniff.....we won't get any great green displays this time around. Should have been released in place of the amazing colorful displays we got. They could have waited even though I like them very much. We could have had two weeks of glorious green, St. Paddys items and then they could have continued on with everything else. How about we still get them but on a sale since the holiday is over? ;)

03-18-14, 12:47 AM
Great, early teaser is back on track again! And the update is looking decent too. Can't wait to get our update! :o

03-18-14, 03:25 AM
Hope for a pretty spring catalogue today.I want colors and flowers!

03-18-14, 09:21 AM
Just hoping for some Spring color items, purple, yellow, and green.

03-18-14, 11:01 AM
Im sure is in a box as bakery story last week. Good for me because I dont want another outdoor display. But it seems that a lot of people are ok with it.

03-18-14, 11:07 AM
Excited for this update, but I feel it's a box hopefully we have a box with LTO or something besides a box. I think if this is in a box it's a 2nd place prize. I also have a gut feeling there could be a fountain which would be 1st prize just feelings about the update. I hope there is no box though. If there's a box I don't see myself jumping to open it so quickly.

03-18-14, 11:46 AM
You have got to be kidding.... A box and a blue catalogue.
That's it!

03-18-14, 11:47 AM
I'm hoping for a pretty spring update and some new floor decorations for coins.

I absolutely love the girls playing croquet in the teaser this week and if its an LTO you will see it in my shop shortly.

If its a box, I won't buy it, after trying (and failing) to get the valentine gazebo which I really really wanted.

Not risking a box again :(

03-18-14, 11:48 AM
Update is out!

03-18-14, 11:55 AM
You have got to be kidding.... A box and a blue catalogue.
That's it!

I know, I appreciate a new catalog and 12 hrs is perfect. But I would've loved something besides blue we have so many blue choices already, we need green & another crop top!! Wish it could be a dress at least or some capris with a cute top and carnigan sweater for spring.

03-18-14, 11:59 AM
Disappointing! That's all I can say. I hate the boxes, I never win whatever it is I want from it. So saving gems, saving money!

Poor form TL!

03-18-14, 12:06 PM
Not loving this week's catalogue. 12 hrs is fine but not much fashion sense is in the clothes.

03-18-14, 12:06 PM
You have got to be kidding.... A box and a blue catalogue.
That's it!

What?! *rush over to my device*

03-18-14, 12:16 PM
*sigh* There's really only a box. How long does the new catalog take?

03-18-14, 12:19 PM
*sigh* there's really only a box. How long does the new catalog take?

12 hrs

03-18-14, 12:20 PM
Always interested to see what prizes are in the boxes. Please post pictures anyone who opens the box :)

03-18-14, 12:25 PM
One of my neighbours (not going to post pics) has the croquet display, a girl sitting inside a large purple flower, display called spring goddess, and a floor mirror called tulip mirror, and some floor lamps in different colors

These items look nice I really like the girl in the purple flower,, Cause I love purple it's my favorite color and love decorating with it.. This might get me to open the box OMG!!!

03-18-14, 12:42 PM
http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/Jo65ha/fashion_story-2014-03-18-12-40-10.png (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/Jo65ha/media/fashion_story-2014-03-18-12-40-10.png.html)

Okay so I tried for the spring goddess no luck, I got 2nd place prizes though the croquet display and the other display is called green thumb you see there the mannequin and mirror both 4th place prizes.

PLEASE!!!! DO NOT add me as a neighbor to come see these items are not out I just stored them in my inventory for the time being thank you in adavance

I had to edit this again 3 request regardless..LOL read people
http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/Jo65ha/fashion_story-2014-03-18-03-25-15.png (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/Jo65ha/media/fashion_story-2014-03-18-03-25-15.png.html) Got it 3rd place

03-18-14, 12:48 PM
I've seen the purple flower, a new egg chair, and the maniquine and mirror Jojo shows in another shop as well. Looks like cute items in the box! But I am still not going to open it. With my luck I would get the one ugly item in the box.

03-18-14, 12:51 PM
The catalogue is hideous and I wonder if there are any avatar items in the box. What's that with blue, we already had many blue catalogues, why not some purple which we don't have?

03-18-14, 01:45 PM
[QUOTE=jojopeanut;869945]http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w477/Jo65ha/fashion_story-2014-03-18-12-40-10.png (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/Jo65ha/media/fashion_story-2014-03-18-12-40-10.png.html)

"Okay so I tried for the spring goddess no luck, I got 2nd place prizes though the croquet display and the other display is called green thumb you see there the mannequin and mirror both 4th place prizes."

The green thumb display is cute! Congrats on getting that and the croquet display! My neighbor got the first place prize, and it's adorable. The spring goddess is real cute too; I have two of them now. I love the mirror, and the tulip lamps in different colors are nice.

03-18-14, 02:01 PM
Is the spring goddess display another 2nd place item and what is the 1st place? If it's a fountain I"ll die..LOL I predicted it earlier. Gut feeling..

03-18-14, 03:11 PM
Nope, it's not a fountain! It's a girl feeding some animals in the park. I forget what it's called.

03-18-14, 03:16 PM
Nope, it's not a fountain! It's a girl feeding some animals in the park. I forget what it's called.

Good sounds like the 2nd place item is the one better croquet one.. LOL and the green thumb I like too. I can do without feeding an animal. I just need the purple flower spring goddess it's pretty :)

03-18-14, 03:19 PM
I'm happy with the spring goddess and the spring candy mannequin, i was hoping for the green display! Hopefully TeamLava will make some available for us :)

03-18-14, 03:34 PM
Someone will buy a bundle of gems to get that girl with the purple flower! We need more purple stuff, so far we just have that 6 hours sweater dress and maybe one other thing with purple accent colors. I'm still patrolling the community to see some more items.

03-18-14, 03:48 PM
Good sounds like the 2nd place item is the one better croquet one.. LOL and the green thumb I like too. I can do without feeding an animal. I just need the purple flower spring goddess it's pretty :)

I like the first place prize! It would go well next to the dog walk display; not that I'll ever get the first place prize. I'd even settle for the green thumb display; it's cute! :D

03-18-14, 03:56 PM
If the first place display has a bunny I'll cry, I requested an easter display with girls feeding bunnies some days ago! But I can't buy gems to try the box cause there's no google play cards here :((

03-18-14, 04:02 PM
If the first place display has a bunny I'll cry, I requested an easter display with girls feeding bunnies some days ago! But I can't buy gems to try the box cause there's no google play cards here :((

I'm sorry to say this, but there is a bunny. :(

03-18-14, 04:21 PM
If the first place display has a bunny I'll cry, I requested an easter display with girls feeding bunnies some days ago! But I can't buy gems to try the box cause there's no google play cards here :((

If you have a credit or debit card you can purchase google play credit directly from their site.

kooky panda
03-18-14, 05:59 PM
From TL Blog
Parting is such sweet sorrow, except for when it comes time to part with your Winter wardrobe. Say goodbye to thick layers and furry earmuffs and say hello to short sleeves and cute skirts! What?s the best way to show off your new looks? Strut your stuff in the Tulip Mirror in Fashion Story (https://www.facebook.com/fashionstory)!
Warm up your Boutique with these new additions:

Violet Tulip Lamp
Spring Candy Mannequin
Spring Goddess
Fairy Tale Spring

03-18-14, 06:09 PM
From TL Blog
Parting is such sweet sorrow, except for when it comes time to part with your Winter wardrobe. Say goodbye to thick layers and furry earmuffs and say hello to short sleeves and cute skirts! What?s the best way to show off your new looks? Strut your stuff in the Tulip Mirror in Fashion Story (https://www.facebook.com/fashionstory)!
Warm up your Boutique with these new additions:

Violet Tulip Lamp
Spring Candy Mannequin
Spring Goddess
Fairy Tale Spring

Cute, cute, cute, cute. Alas, they are all from a box. Lol. ;)

03-18-14, 06:21 PM
Seriously I did not want a box., (gulp) but there's not a bad prize to be had in this box it's a winner great job TL. Now would I want to spend 24 gems on the floor lamp or mirror not really, but still nice prize there all worth the chance to open up the box. The mannequin looks so sheik doesn't she love the color of her outfit. Can't tell if it's a jump suit or a long maxi dress.

03-18-14, 06:25 PM
If the first place display has a bunny I'll cry, I requested an easter display with girls feeding bunnies some days ago! But I can't buy gems to try the box cause there's no google play cards here :((

You don't have to buy a card, you can buy Google Play Credit directly from the Play store.

03-18-14, 06:42 PM
Seriously I did not want a box., (gulp) but there's not a bad prize to be had in this box it's a winner great job TL. Now would I want to spend 24 gems on the floor lamp or mirror not really, but still nice prize there all worth the chance to open up the box. The mannequin looks so sheik doesn't she love the color of her outfit. Can't tell if it's a jump suit or a long maxi dress.

But how many mannequins and tulip lamps do you want? It's just like the "true love" box. #frustrating

03-18-14, 07:18 PM
This is the first box that really doesn't have any dud prizes. I've gotten one of each lamp so far. Not sure if I'll try again or not. The new catalog is cute too. I wish they would do a catalog of that lovely green dress in the croquet display. :-)

03-19-14, 12:21 AM
Sigh* Purple lamp and the tulip mirror, which is incredibly disproportionate to other mirrors. So sad :(

03-19-14, 03:00 AM
I only had enough gems for one go at the box and luckily got the spring goddess, which is gorgeous. I can't believe it was only a third place prize!!!

03-19-14, 09:50 AM
i am really tempted to try this box, after a long time i really like almost all the items in the box! can somebody tell me what is the second 3rd prize? i know one is the girl in a purple flower.

03-19-14, 11:17 AM
I've not had a chance to swing by the local store to buy a Google Play card but just as soon as I am able, I will for sure. This weeks update is just darling and I am excited to take a shot at the new box. A few of my neighbours have had some success with nabbing the exact item they hoped for while a few others have managed to collect several lovely pieces from the box. Everything looks worth the risk (I would be happy with any of the prizes) so I think TL did a great job.

The catalog is pretty, in my opinion, and the top looks nice on the avatar if you happen to fancy blue (which I do although I fancy most colours ...lol) Anyway, having a set at 12 hours means I can order overnight and have a fresh load of something new to display in the morning.

Thanks, TL for the new fun stuff and thanks to everyone who posted details and photos of all the goodies. Happy shopping/decorating!

03-19-14, 11:18 AM
i am really tempted to try this box, after a long time i really like almost all the items in the box! can somebody tell me what is the second 3rd prize? i know one is the girl in a purple flower.

The (2nd) place prizes are the croquet display at the beginning of the thread and the green thumb display I posted pics of maybe a page back it's the display beside the girl in purple flower.

the 3rd) place prize is the spring goddess display which is the girl in the purple flower.

03-19-14, 11:50 AM
thanks for the answer :) so it means there is only one 3rd place prize? usually there are two prizes for both 2nd and 3rd place but maybe not this time? well however, that doesnt change my wish to open this box :D

03-19-14, 11:54 AM
The avatar faces for the Croquet Party are adorable. Too cute. :o

03-19-14, 03:35 PM
This is one of the best boxes yet! I got two spring goddesses, three mirrors, the tulip lamp in every color and the croquet display! I'm a happy camper! :D

03-19-14, 03:36 PM
Well I'm glad all these items are stuck in a box, so I don't have to think whether I want to buy them all or not, makes things easier, just not gonna mess with this one. I really need to save atm anyhow, so that works well for me this week.

The catalogue I am not fond of, cropped tops haven't been in style since the 90's. Nowdays, it's considered faux pas to wear anything that doesn't cover the midriff. The glasses are way way too big. The shoes are hideous, but he skirt is alright, once I figure out what to wear with it, that is.

Overall, I am happy with a box/ugly catalogue this week, been spending too much lately, so this gives me a nice break to maybe buy other things that I had my mind on before.

03-19-14, 04:34 PM
thanks for the answer :) so it means there is only one 3rd place prize? usually there are two prizes for both 2nd and 3rd place but maybe not this time? well however, that doesnt change my wish to open this box :D

I suppose not I didn't really think about that. So the mannequin and lamps for sure are 4th place and mirror. It's kinda nice when you think about it more chances to win better prizes. I know I plan to open this box more in the future I would like more of the spring goddess than just 1..LOL and I wouldn't cry if I got the 1st place prize either..LOL or another mannequin I only have 1 in storage. at the moment..LOL

03-20-14, 12:01 AM
Haha. ..after taking time to exam my green thumb display if you look at it. The girl's eye's looked crossed it's the way she is looking at the flowers or watering can. Funny well we're not all perfect TL but we could've gave her corrective glasses.

03-20-14, 12:05 AM
Well I'm glad all these items are stuck in a box, so I don't have to think whether I want to buy them all or not, makes things easier, just not gonna mess with this one. I really need to save atm anyhow, so that works well for me this week.

The catalogue I am not fond of, cropped tops haven't been in style since the 90's. Nowdays, it's considered faux pas to wear anything that doesn't cover the midriff. The glasses are way way too big. The shoes are hideous, but he skirt is alright, once I figure out what to wear with it, that is.

Overall, I am happy with a box/ugly catalogue this week, been spending too much lately, so this gives me a nice break to maybe buy other things that I had my mind on before.

Actually, there is a revival of 90's fashion, so crop tops are very much in style. They're in every store I go in (along with Dr. Martens).

03-20-14, 12:20 AM
need goals :)

03-21-14, 10:47 AM
Actually, there is a revival of 90's fashion, so crop tops are very much in style. They're in every store I go in (along with Dr. Martens).

Maybe kids/teen stores. Grown ups don't walk around with an exposed belly, nope. Pretty sure that would get people instantly written up with HR, haha.

03-21-14, 05:02 PM
Maybe kids/teen stores. Grown ups don't walk around with an exposed belly, nope. Pretty sure that would get people instantly written up with HR, haha.

They wouldn't wear that to the office, they would wear it on weekends and hot summer days. And it's fine if the game has teen fashions, a lot of teens play the game.

03-22-14, 02:03 AM
Maybe kids/teen stores. Grown ups don't walk around with an exposed belly, nope. Pretty sure that would get people instantly written up with HR, haha.

Young to mid adults also sport crop tops. There's also very fit adults who wear these types of clothing.

03-24-14, 10:04 AM
I bought the blue top for my little avatar. It can be modified to look like a blouse if you purchase the wide black belt in the accessories. I combined the two with the business length black skirt (with tiny slit at knee) and it looked lovely, in my opinion. Now, whether or not I would wear a crop top in reality is a whole different story ... unless at the beach ... then I would probably go for it especially if it tied in the front. I think those tops are fun for warmer weather.