View Full Version : jane pierre and aunt loretta disappeared

03-14-14, 07:42 AM
wen I finished the goals related to them I didn't see that I got their icons or dolls as rewards.wen I swa dem later I was really short of coins I dont know why but I clicked the sell them off.i didnt know u could use them as host.now they hv disappeare forever from my inventory.can any one tell me if they are available for coins.

03-14-14, 07:44 AM
also are there any options to use as hosts.in rs I used the cutr rose seller as my host really looks pretty

kooky panda
03-14-14, 10:39 AM
Since these were goal prizes, you will not see anymore to buy in the market.
You can send an email to support@teamlava.com. to see if they can help.

I use to use some of the cute animals as hosts.