View Full Version : Hacking..?

03-13-14, 07:29 PM
So today I was going about tipping neighbors, when one of them had a suspicious message on her wall.
The message read, "If you don't quit bakery story, I will hack you and sell every last item, and spend every last penny."
I was considering reporting it, but apparently someone else told me that has been taken care of. I went to the girl threatening the other girl's wall and told her that hacking in this game is impossible, moderators have said so.
She replied with, "It IS possible, watch."
Then she posted, in a separate post, "I hate you!"
Then she posted again, "I didn't write that, hackers did!"
I just deleted the post and rolled my eyes. Obviously, she wrote that, but she just wants attention. Now I have one question..
Is it actually possible to hack someone on this game? I'm just curious, because this is the safest game possible, I've never had issues (except gem traps, but let's save that for another post..)
I'm assuming the girl I spoke to was just making it up for attention, but if anyone knows anything else about the matter, let me know, because I'm curious to find out.:o

03-13-14, 08:15 PM
Next time that happens, if it does, take a picture of it and send it 2:
Support@teamlava.com make sure u include ur id, bakery name, when it happened.
Don't attempt 2 solve this problem on ur own. That's y we have the email addy 4 help.
There's probably other info u should include and others will post what it is.
And 2 answer ur Hacking ? It's probably possible especially since we use our storm8id here. There again there must b safeguards built in like passwords and a Moderator is better equipped 2 answer ur Hacking ?

03-13-14, 09:50 PM
Like you said, they just want attention. It's best not to post anything on their wall. By posting on their wall you give them the attention they are seeking and you give them a link back to your bakery.

kooky panda
03-14-14, 05:27 AM
As others have stated, to report inappropriate in game behavior, please send an email to support@teamlava.com.
