View Full Version : How to get more customers?

03-11-14, 02:49 PM
How do i get more customers? I have only played 2-3 weeks and i have already around 400,000 drinks. If i expand, do that help? Or i need more chairs? Bigger dancefloor?

03-16-14, 06:55 PM
I think i have waited long enough for an answer. Someone needs to know?

03-16-14, 07:48 PM
I think you need a bigger dance floor. It also helps if you have the music going I believe so if you can get in each hour or so to reset it it helps

03-17-14, 07:28 PM
thank you maguar, i will try it

03-17-14, 07:50 PM
i just sat down and counted customers on my friends nightclubs. Players who are everything from lvl 5-96 there come between 13-15 customers only. Not more not less. No wonder we cant sell our food. Can you please forward this issue to TL? We need more customers on nightclub story. Thank you