View Full Version : Gifting tomorrow....

03-04-14, 05:25 PM
I usually gift right at reset (3am here, I am a nighttime worker) Should I wait to gift tomorrow until we (possibly) get the new goals? I could do that but many of my neighbors will be maxed by then....what to do, what to do....

03-04-14, 05:59 PM
I go ahead and gift at my normal time figuring that my nbrs can always decline them if they so desire. I know that I always decline all gifts on all Wednesdays until after we get the update since I never know what it might bring.

03-04-14, 06:00 PM
I like to gift after the updates on Wednesday, so my neighbors can have a head start if there are goals. If some are maxed, then they are maxed, but for those that aren't max, they'll probably appreciate it.

03-04-14, 06:48 PM
On update day's I wait until the update is out before gifting, especially if there will possibly be goals and we get new parts or have to use old parts, just seems easier to wait and be safe.

03-05-14, 12:38 AM
I also wait before sending on possible new goal days. I don't accept or decline gifts though until I know what I need.

03-05-14, 04:50 AM
I wait to see if there is a goal and then gift. I also go one step further and visit my neighbors who didn't receive my gift the first time. That way if they refused gifts they did't need they can maybe accept my needed gift.

I start gifting parts for the second oven on day two of the goal so my neighbors will be prepared.