View Full Version : What to do with "old"ovens.....

03-02-14, 07:50 PM
I started playing Mother's Day of 2012. And have pretty much played and baked straight thru till now. I only stopped baking a few times. I wanted to pretty much empty out my counters, and I managed to do so a few times..
So my question is....

I'm pretty much done all the recipes on a lot of the appliances, any ideas as to what I should do with the " old" appliances?
Should I sell them? Keep them in storage?
Any ideas?

03-02-14, 07:55 PM
I'd keep them in storage cuz u never know when TL might add a recipe 2 an old 1. Recently in RS they've added recipes 2 the drink machine. I've been done w that machine 4 awhile so if I'd sold them I would've had 2 buy and build them again. Since storage is unlimited, y get rid of them?

03-02-14, 08:12 PM
I agree. It doesn't hurt to save them, so you might as well.