View Full Version : All watered out

01-16-11, 05:10 AM
I started playing Restaurant Story and see the benefit in tipping neighbourstables. When they tip you in return you earn 20 coins for every tip. So now when I play Farm Story I see no point watering. When your neighbour waters your farm in return, the thrill is just to see droplet images on your crops. No big deal after a while. Can't Farm Story make the work more worthwhile?

01-18-11, 05:28 AM
My neighbors watered my farm, but the raindrops disappeared next morning. How come?????

01-18-11, 01:07 PM
Person whom u wtrd will get 20 points more and u can maintain ur star rating.

Yes, i noticed that wtr drops r disappearing the next day. I wtrd my nbrs and noticed the next day all r unwatered. and the crops r 2-4 days, so there is no way they would pluck and plant.

01-18-11, 01:08 PM
Forgot to mention that watered crop will earn 1xp

01-18-11, 01:21 PM
It's the same thing as Restaurant Story.
You get 20 coins and 1xp extra when you collect your crops. It's just that you need to collect it when it's done growing and not whenever you want.