View Full Version : question about time and money

02-28-14, 05:36 PM
I apologize if this has already been discussed or if this is a dumb question. I'm pretty new at pet shop story and I don't quite understand how the money system works. My German Shepherd for example yields coins every 3 minutes. My question is if I don't check on it for 6 minutes, will the coins accumulate at all or do you always get a set amount of coins regardless of when you collect them?

Is collecting from pets the only way to make money? Also is there a beginners guide for this game somewhere because I have a ton of questions about it. Thanks!

02-28-14, 06:00 PM
Sorry but the coins don't accumulate. Some of the goals do give coin rewards but they generally require you to spend money. The items that randomly appear in your store (like keys and purses) can be picked up. You'll get either experience or a small coin reward for each one.

It doesn't look like there's a specific guide but there is helpful info throughout the forums

02-28-14, 06:32 PM
Thanks for the reply. You answered another question I had about the seemingly random items that pop up. I'll spend some time looking through the previous posts then for more info.