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02-26-14, 11:09 AM
The TL team should make an quest or something like that that show you what neighbors didn't send u map , decline your requests .. is very frustrating to request to more than 100 neighbors and get in like 2-3 days just 50 maps or less ..

02-27-14, 02:07 PM
No what would be nice if TL did is if they logged all of those people in categories of sent gold, visited, who accepted map requests and who sent map requests which would allow us to keep track of their active or inactive status

03-02-14, 04:29 PM
Yea... Same thing .

03-03-14, 12:28 PM
The TL team should make an quest or something like that that show you what neighbors didn't send u map , decline your requests .. is very frustrating to request to more than 100 neighbors and get in like 2-3 days just 50 maps or less ..

You know that you can only receive 20 maps per day, so if you request more than that, you end up getting them randomly as time goes by. I always send exactly 20 each time I can and I normally get 19 -20 back.
On gold you can only send 3 but receive 20.

I did have a neighbors who thought if they gave maps it came out of their total, which is doesn't.

But overall, I would love it if there was a way to sort by date of last visit, as I have 150 plus neighbors and work 60 hour weeks I don't have time to waste on those who don't at least visit back

03-09-14, 03:35 AM
Yeah some stuff to see who is still playing and who don't anymore would be useful.
We can not play and clean the neighbors list all together

03-23-14, 05:38 AM
Why can we only get 20 a day that is silly. Makes it even harder to expand. Come on make it that we can get unlimited each day.