View Full Version : Our pets, who they are and what they do.

02-25-14, 11:44 PM
I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one here with a pet. And something I've learned about people with pets is that they LOVE to talk about them!

So I thought that we could have a thread for us pet owners (and lovers!). Here we can show pictures of our pets, tell stories about them and share information.

I'll start by presenting my pets :)

I've been an active rabbit jumper for 10 years, but nowadays I only have 5 rabbits. They are...




And Otto

I also have two cats.

Majsan is a regular housecat.

Syster is a Siamese.

My family also have 2 dogs, but I have no pictures of them. Rally is a Border Collie and Rappe is a cross between Rottweiler and French mastiff.

I would love it if other showed pictures of their pets and maybe tell some funny story. :)

02-26-14, 09:04 AM
Oh sourlicorice is gonna love those bunnies!
Those pics are amazing, by the way.
Elvis looks so cool :)

What is a bunny jumper?

I have a couple of rescued dogs and I also have cats, amazon parrots, mackaws, lorikeets and fish. Will post some pics when I get home to my ipad.

02-26-14, 09:11 AM
Oh sourlicorice is gonna love those bunnies!
Those pics are amazing, by the way.
Elvis looks so cool :)

What is a bunny jumper?

I have a couple of rescued dogs and I also have cats, amazon parrots, mackaws, lorikeets and fish. Will post some pics when I get home to my ipad.
A person who jumps with bunnies :) It's a pretty big sport in Sweden and it's getting bigger in other countries too.

One of my rabbits at a competition a few years ago. He now lives at my friends farm.

I think parrots (and other birds) are very fascinating! They live really long, don't they?

02-26-14, 04:32 PM
These are Sebastian and Max, two of my cats.


Wow! I had no idea about the bunny jumping. That is soooooo cool! Parrots do live a long time. Sometimes they can outlive their owners.

02-27-14, 08:47 AM
Animals yay!

I had no idea idea about the bunny jumping either.

02-27-14, 09:33 AM
Fuzzy on the left, Phoebe on the right.

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i344/pinkster73/1348541057720.jpg (http://s1089.photobucket.com/user/pinkster73/media/1348541057720.jpg.html)

02-27-14, 09:34 AM
Abby, my baddest cat.

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i344/pinkster73/1340686980955.jpg (http://s1089.photobucket.com/user/pinkster73/media/1340686980955.jpg.html)

02-27-14, 09:34 AM
Sunny, aka The Sun Bun.

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i344/pinkster73/PicsArt_1359346369779.jpg (http://s1089.photobucket.com/user/pinkster73/media/PicsArt_1359346369779.jpg.html)

02-27-14, 09:35 AM
Murphy, my only boy.

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i344/pinkster73/PicsArt_1377978946772.jpg (http://s1089.photobucket.com/user/pinkster73/media/PicsArt_1377978946772.jpg.html)

02-27-14, 09:36 AM
Shelby, my sometimes bitey kitty.

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i344/pinkster73/p_00014.jpg (http://s1089.photobucket.com/user/pinkster73/media/p_00014.jpg.html)

02-27-14, 10:06 AM
Six kittys. Wow...i think i would go mad with all the cuteness! :) but then i have six doggies so it all evens out in the end i suppose. Will try to find some more when i get home. :)

02-27-14, 10:13 AM
Six kittys. Wow...i think i would go mad with all the cuteness! :) but then i have six doggies so it all evens out in the end i suppose. Will try to find some more when i get home. :)

I never intended to have 6 kitties. I go through vacuums and carpet sweepers and sticky rollers like you wouldn't believe.

02-27-14, 10:43 AM
I never intended to have 6 kitties. I go through vacuums and carpet sweepers and sticky rollers like you wouldn't believe.

I know what you mean. I never intended to have six dogs either. >.< But my house apparently is legendary among strays. Apparently the word gets around that if they come to my house and look really hungry and sad then I'll take them in. So now I have six dogs. And feed about twenty strays on the road.

02-27-14, 02:02 PM
I know what you mean. I never intended to have six dogs either. >.< But my house apparently is legendary among strays. Apparently the word gets around that if they come to my house and look really hungry and sad then I'll take them in. So now I have six dogs. And feed about twenty strays on the road.

I have the same problem! Word is out in the stray kitty community that if you have a medical condition making you "unadoptable" at the humane society then go to pinkster's house, she'll love you and squeeze you and call you George then pay all your vet bills and keep you.

02-28-14, 09:08 AM
One of my rescues. I called him Bones. This is what he looked like when I found him.

I saw him one evening as I was driving home. I couldn't stop that evening but would keep an eye out for him every day as I drove home. I didn't see him again until about three or four days later. I always have puppy chow (because it is higher in fat content) in my car or a couple of cans of dog food and water and styrofoam containers or plastic bowls. When I saw him again I was so happy! So I gave him some food and every morning on my way to work I would take him some cooked dog food (chicken and rice or chicken and cornmeal). Every evening I would give him some dry puppy chow.
Also gave him some dewormer and checked him for cuts and any skin infections. He had a few bruises but no infections.

After about three weeks, this is what he looked like:

Once he started looking decent I hunted for a home for him and found a really good one! He was neutered and now there is one less stray on the streets impregnating female dogs!:)

02-28-14, 09:16 AM
I have the same problem! Word is out in the stray kitty community that if you have a medical condition making you "unadoptable" at the humane society then go to pinkster's house, she'll love you and squeeze you and call you George then pay all your vet bills and keep you.
Ha ! I find that these "unadoptable" ones are the ones with the biggest personalities! I have six huge doggie personalities at home. :)
The last two are about six months. They just wandered into my yard one morning and literally refused to leave. They made themselves quite at home and that was that. Another older one showed up at my gate one evening with a huge gash in her back. No doubt someone had chopped her with a machette and some dog friend told her to head for the house on the hill. Another one, Lucy, was abandoned at the vet when she was about 3 months old. Spent the next six months pretty much locked in a cage as the vet contemplated what was to be done with her. He didn't have the space to let her out and didn't have the heart to put her down. And the other two were rescued from the streets, almost dead, as wee little puppies.

02-28-14, 10:42 AM
Awwww, Bobbyrae you're one of the good ones.

Bones looks so happy with some meat on his bones.

02-28-14, 12:53 PM
Awwww, Bobbyrae you're one of the good ones.

Bones looks so happy with some meat on his bones.
I'm part of the good ones :) There is a network of us in my area who set up "pet cafes" and feed the strays. The purpose is to get them healthy and tame, catch them, spay and neuter them and try to re home the ones that can be re homed. The others are released back to the streets where we found them as soon as they are spayed and neutered and we continue to feed, deworm etc. We make sure that the spaying and neutering are done because it helps to control the pet population in the community. Unfortunately Jamaicans will poison dogs and cats they consider a nuisance and several of the hotels in the island do it. So a couple of the animal shelters are trying to work with the hotels and tourism industry to set up cat cafes at their hotels where the animals can be tamed, spayed and neutered (usually for free or at a reduced rate) and then released back on the hotel property or re homed. So far only a few of the hotels have seen its worth. The others carry on with their poisoning programme.

The other day a hotel guest at a popular hotel found a little orphaned kitten on the staircase. The kitten was probably about two weeks old and his mother had been poisoned by the hotel. The local Shelter tried their best to save the kitten as the person who found him wanted to take him to Canada. Unfortunately the little babe was just too young and probably had ingested some of his mom's poisoned milk. He died in spite all the effort.

In spite of all the lost ones though, the ones we can save make it all so worthwhile. :)

02-28-14, 01:58 PM
I'm part of the good ones :) There is a network of us in my area who set up "pet cafes" and feed the strays. The purpose is to get them healthy and tame, catch them, spay and neuter them and try to re home the ones that can be re homed. The others are released back to the streets where we found them as soon as they are spayed and neutered and we continue to feed, deworm etc. We make sure that the spaying and neutering are done because it helps to control the pet population in the community. Unfortunately Jamaicans will poison dogs and cats they consider a nuisance and several of the hotels in the island do it. So a couple of the animal shelters are trying to work with the hotels and tourism industry to set up cat cafes at their hotels where the animals can be tamed, spayed and neutered (usually for free or at a reduced rate) and then released back on the hotel property or re homed. So far only a few of the hotels have seen its worth. The others carry on with their poisoning programme.

The other day a hotel guest at a popular hotel found a little orphaned kitten on the staircase. The kitten was probably about two weeks old and his mother had been poisoned by the hotel. The local Shelter tried their best to save the kitten as the person who found him wanted to take him to Canada. Unfortunately the little babe was just too young and probably had ingested some of his mom's poisoned milk. He died in spite all the effort.

In spite of all the lost ones though, the ones we can save make it all so worthwhile. :)

Every resort I've been to always had a kitty that hung out near the snack bar. My hubby and I always feed them and make friends. The other tourists did the same. Kitties are good for catching mice and bugs and other creatures you don't want near your food. You'd think the hotels would want a few living there. Spayed and neutered of course.

02-28-14, 03:43 PM
Every resort I've been to always had a kitty that hung out near the snack bar. My hubby and I always feed them and make friends. The other tourists did the same. Kitties are good for catching mice and bugs and other creatures you don't want near your food. You'd think the hotels would want a few living there. Spayed and neutered of course.
You'd think! For some reason they prefer to have mice i suppose.

02-28-14, 09:12 PM
Question for pinkster: How many cats do you think will make you a "crazy cat lady"? :)

03-01-14, 07:58 AM
Question for pinkster: How many cats do you think will make you a "crazy cat lady"? :)


03-01-14, 09:03 AM
Crazy cat ladies always have a minimum of 12 as a rule, 11 of which must be kittens.


03-01-14, 02:19 PM

Oh, you can just say to people your a cat care centre :) .

03-01-14, 02:22 PM
Crazy cat ladies always have a minimum of 12 as a rule, 11 of which must be kittens.

http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/annjohnbobbyrae/7cdea249daa57640f70bdb8c436a6e1b.jpg lol that's funny. I thought in order to be known as one you have to have 50 or more.

03-01-14, 07:00 PM
I think as long as your cats are all healthy and taken care of and your house is really clean you don't qualify as the crazy cat lady.

I've been in cat hoarding houses where we had to wear respirators for the ammonia and plastic boots to protect the soles of our shoes. I kid you not.

03-01-14, 07:19 PM
I think as long as your cats are all healthy and taken care of and your house is really clean you don't qualify as the crazy cat lady.

I've been in cat hoarding houses where we had to wear respirators for the ammonia and plastic boots to protect the soles of our shoes. I kid you not.

No I understand what you mean I've seen it on tv.

03-02-14, 07:50 AM
Bobby and Pinkster, you are such amazing people for taking those animals in and helping them!

03-02-14, 08:14 AM
Bobby and Pinkster, you are such amazing people for taking those animals in and helping them!

I agree! It's amazing of them to adopt them, call them George, love them and squeeze them and pay their vet bills :-)

03-02-14, 08:17 AM
Here's one of my dwarf rabbits called midnight.


This is my other one, Chocolate.


03-02-14, 08:19 AM
I have four hamsters to. I will post pictures of them when I get home. I'm at a hotel and wifi is slow and downloading pics onto photobucket right now takes too long.

03-02-14, 08:21 AM
Oh sourlicorice is gonna love those bunnies!
Those pics are amazing, by the way.
Elvis looks so cool :)

What is a bunny jumper?

I have a couple of rescued dogs and I also have cats, amazon parrots, mackaws, lorikeets and fish. Will post some pics when I get home to my ipad.

You are right. I love those bunnies especially Elvis though they are all beautiful but Elvis is just so adorable looking.

03-02-14, 09:11 AM
I agree! It's amazing of them to adopt them, call them George, love them and squeeze them and pay their vet bills :-)
I have not called anybody George as yet. But there is a new stray I have been feeding outside of my office and I've been wondering what to call him. He looks like a George, so George he shall be! :)

Your bunnies are so cuuuuuuuuuuute! Love the names :)

Bobby and Pinkster, you are such amazing people for taking those animals in and helping them!
I can't help myself unfortunately, although fortunately for them. :p

03-02-14, 09:22 AM
I have not called anybody George as yet. But there is a new stray I have been feeding outside of my office and I've been wondering what to call him. He looks like a George, so George he shall be! :)

Your bunnies are so cuuuuuuuuuuute! Love the names :)

I can't help myself unfortunately, although fortunately for them. :p

I can't either. It's like they choose us, we don't choose them.

Thanks to me my Mom has 2 dogs and 3 cats, my sister has 4 cats, and my other sister had 4 cats, now 3. I paid the medical bills for my sister's cats but don't tell my husband tee hee.

Oh and my Aunt has one. She's not a sucker like the rest of us.

The euthanasia rate at the humane society took a dive when I worked there.

03-02-14, 09:35 AM
Ha! My dad had 13 cats at one point. He only intended to have one cat. He's an even bigger sucker than me! Lol. And he lives in an apartment complex where pets are not allowed too. If anyone ever asked if the cats were his he would deny them. :D

03-02-14, 10:14 AM
chokdii, your bunnies are adorable! Are they lion headed (it's a direct translation for the swedish term, I don't know what you call it in english).

I prefer lops over all other rabbits, but I've had some other breeds here too. But most of my rabbits has been cross breeds especially breeded for jumping.

03-04-14, 04:11 PM
Frederick :

Trouble 1:

Trouble 2:

Trouble 3:

03-05-14, 07:25 AM
So cute! And Frederick is handsome.

It's so green where you live!

03-05-14, 07:31 AM
It's very green in Jamaica. And the sky is usually a vivid blue :)

03-14-14, 08:50 AM
I'm a terrible cat mommy! I moved my kitty stairs that my Sun Bun needs to get on and off my bed (her bed too) when I was vacuuming yesterday and forgot to put them back so she was trapped on my bed for like 2 hours yesterday! The horror!

Forgive me Sun Bun!

03-14-14, 08:52 AM
A pic from when I first got the stairs:

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i344/pinkster73/PicsArt_1385615268332.jpg (http://s1089.photobucket.com/user/pinkster73/media/PicsArt_1385615268332.jpg.html)

03-14-14, 09:48 AM
A pic from when I first got the stairs:

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i344/pinkster73/PicsArt_1385615268332.jpg (http://s1089.photobucket.com/user/pinkster73/media/PicsArt_1385615268332.jpg.html)
Fluffy kitty!

03-14-14, 11:59 AM
Fluffy kitty!

Oh yes she's very fluffy:

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i344/pinkster73/PicsArt_1378348849438.jpg (http://s1089.photobucket.com/user/pinkster73/media/PicsArt_1378348849438.jpg.html)

03-14-14, 12:31 PM
She's not like any other cat? They can jump on and off of high things.

03-14-14, 01:01 PM
12715 this is my cat..Samantha. But we call her Sammy. She sleeps a lot but she catches mice easily! I really adore her. She is a Russian Blue cat.

03-14-14, 03:12 PM
She's not like any other cat? They can jump on and off of high things.

No she has arthritis. She can't jump anything higher then about 6 inches.

03-14-14, 03:13 PM
12715 this is my cat..Samantha. But we call her Sammy. She sleeps a lot but she catches mice easily! I really adore her. She is a Russian Blue cat.

Russian blues are nice looking. Like Siamese but with a neat color.

03-14-14, 03:27 PM
No she has arthritis. She can't jump anything higher then about 6 inches.

Oh my bad.

03-14-14, 04:42 PM
Oh my bad.

It's ok, she can't read. Ha ha.

03-14-14, 10:50 PM
It's ok, she can't read. Ha ha.

No I've seen her snooping around here at night. I know its not you because you wouldn't be on late at night. Hehehe

03-15-14, 04:51 AM
12715 this is my cat..Samantha. But we call her Sammy. She sleeps a lot but she catches mice easily! I really adore her. She is a Russian Blue cat.

I love that colour!

Before my cat Max died he was attacked by dogs, lost an eye and had some nerve damage in his back leg. I kept him inside for as long as I could because he couldn't jump very high. As soon as he learned how to use his back leg better so he could jump he started climbing on my windows and curtains and jumping and creating havoc so I had to allow him outside...which of course was his ultimate demise. Anyway...I thought about getting one of those stairs for him so he could get in and out the window easier. Unfortunately Max was an odd sort of fellow. He would have taken grave offence to that stairs and would have probably pronounced a curse on it, pee on it and shun it.

03-19-14, 05:04 PM
My cat has decided my bathtub drain is extremely interesting. It's kind of freaking me out.

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i344/pinkster73/PicsArt_1395273690719.jpg (http://s1089.photobucket.com/user/pinkster73/media/PicsArt_1395273690719.jpg.html)

03-20-14, 03:03 PM
Maybe it's whatever is down there that's interesting and not the drain itself. :rolleyes:

Did I freak you out a little more?

03-20-14, 04:47 PM
Maybe it's whatever is down there that's interesting and not the drain itself. :rolleyes:

Did I freak you out a little more?

I keep thinking of the clown from Steven King's IT.

03-21-14, 08:24 AM
Lol. Could be just the fascination with the water going down the hole. Had a cat once who always would jump up on my kitchen or bathroom counter to watch the water going down the drain. No matter where she was once she heard water she would come running.

03-21-14, 10:27 AM
Lol. Could be just the fascination with the water going down the hole. Had a cat once who always would jump up on my kitchen or bathroom counter to watch the water going down the drain. No matter where she was once she heard water she would come running.

I also have a water obsessed cat. She's frequently just sitting in the kitchen sink. I turn on the water for her just enough to trickle and she's in heaven. She loves to try to "get it".

04-30-14, 12:00 PM
I have two dogs. Their names is Toddy and Chivas. Toddy is the oldest of them and is black and brown. Chivas is white with brown dots :)

04-30-14, 02:50 PM
I have two dogs. Their names is Toddy and Chivas. Toddy is the oldest of them and is black and brown. Chivas is white with brown dots :)

Any pics?

05-28-14, 09:13 AM
Hi, I'm new here, I play CS & BS. Here is a pic of my little Chorkie, Mindy & she is one of the sweetest dogs ever! We've also 2 bunnies, but I haven't got pics of them on this iPad!


05-28-14, 03:12 PM
Hi, I'm new here, I play CS & BS. Here is a pic of my little Chorkie, Mindy & she is one of the sweetest dogs ever! We've also 2 bunnies, but I haven't got pics of them on this iPad!


So cute! She looks like a Mindy.

05-30-14, 12:36 AM
Thank you! She came to us as Mindy & we thought the same, so didn't change her name. She is super sweet & loves cuddles - like a teddy bear that's come to life! In fact, if you are sitting cross legged, she woofs at you to uncross your legs so she can curl up on your lap! Cheeky!

06-04-14, 04:37 PM
I have had 12 pets in my entire life

- Andy, Shihtzu/Schnauzer (now deceased)
- Talula, Persian cat (we do not own her anymore)
- Coco, Parakeet (now deceased)
- Rocky, Beta Fish (now deceased)
- Lily, Parakeet (now deceased)
- Kookie, Maine Coon cat
- Tommy, Poodle (we do not own him anymore)
- Lola, Dwarf Hamster (now deceased)
- Benny, Boxer (we do not own him anymore)
- Nala, German Shepherd
- Ozzy, Cataloua dog
- Thor, German Shepherd.

Currently, we have 4.
- Kookie
- Nala
- Ozzy
- Thor

06-05-14, 01:08 PM
Hey! I had a catahoula leopard dog too!

06-22-14, 12:29 AM
I have a Russian blue cat. It doesn't do any tricks.....

07-06-14, 09:31 AM
My son has 2 ferrets, Lady Majesta and Mia. They are also obsessed with drains. Both will open the shower door (surprise!) and come in to watch the water go down the drain. Mia also climbs in the empty tub and pulls out the drain thingy so she can look down the hole. The first time a ferret yanked open the shower door, I almost had a heart attack. I screamed bloody murder.

10-10-15, 11:26 AM
I have a bunny named Oreo, my sister's S8 ID is named ater him.

10-28-16, 11:33 AM
My cats
The tabby is Bobby my 10 yr old grumpy old boy & black lil thing is Maisey Or Crazy Maisey and is totally bonkers.