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View Full Version : Survey not working

02-21-14, 04:29 PM
I just went back into DS and asked me to "Please take a survey".

I answered the first question but for the next ones, no images appeared.

I exited from that box and now can't access it again.

TL - I would be more than happy to do the survey if I could load it (properly).

02-21-14, 04:35 PM
Same here... no images to answer the questions.

02-21-14, 04:54 PM
Same for me too. And now the survey's window no more want to display when I restart game. Is it because TL is working to fix it? I'm agreed to answer a survey but for that, survey should work, at least, lol. XD

kooky panda
02-21-14, 05:38 PM
Hey guys, the feature has been disabled for now.