View Full Version : Was NOT awarded gems!!

01-15-11, 09:01 AM
I recently mastered rank 3 of both cabbage and coffee. The normal screen popped up congratulating me, telling me that I'd been awarded coins and gems. Howerver, the gems were never credited to my account!! I can't afford to buy gems, so this is the only way I have to get them. How do I go about getting these very hard earned gems I'm due??

It makes me wonder if I was awarded the coins as well, but I wasn't paying attention to my coin balance, so can't honestly say whether I was or not. I'll know to watch for it next time even though it's going to be difficult to tell during the harvesting process.

Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated!

ID: DoubleZ
FarmStory (original)

01-15-11, 09:28 AM
Sorry, bumping this! I want this thread to be seen and my issue handled!

01-15-11, 02:48 PM
Try emailing them... I think its ridiculous that we have to pay for gems! I mean we can collect them after level 2 leaf master but its only 1 stinking gem... I rather just pay for the game once and earn gems like after a completed day. That would be more fair, imo...

01-15-11, 09:23 PM
I was confusing rank 3 with rank 2. Mastering rank 3 doesn't award gems...rank 2 does...well, 1 gem, not much of a reward for the effort. Anyway, I'm sorry for confusing things and posting his erroneous thread.

ID: DoubleZ

P.S. The above poster does have a point. Other than rank 2, there is no other way to earn gems via actual farming. One would think that mastering rank 4 of a crop would have a greater reward than some coins and the same identical gnome for every crop. What purpose does having that many gnomes serve? I'd rather get gems to buy something I want of equal value.

01-17-11, 08:34 PM
I agree. You should be able to at least exchange the gnome for gems or even better, you should be allowed to select an item you can only purchase with gems normally.