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View Full Version : What time today will Valentine items leave market?

02-17-14, 06:49 AM
I actually have 2 questions for TL staff, a mod, or whoever knows the answers:

1. Will the Valentine items leave the market today at noon PST or midnight PST? ..or when?

2. Is today also the last day for Valentine items to randomly drop from knight adventures or will that continue for the entire month of February?

Thanks :)

02-17-14, 10:29 AM
*tick tock* - it's now nearly 930am, PST...

Old players, feel free to jump in here, too!
I've only been playing CS for about a month so this is my first time with holiday items in the market place for a limited time. When given an end date (in this case, 2/17, TODAY), what has it been like in the past? Do they go on sale at all, on the final day? Do they stay in the market all day (til midnight, PST) or do they poof around the. same time as Thursday's updates are announced (noon, PST)?

Just wondering how long I have left to make up my mind about what I want to spend my precious gems on! Lol

Help! Anybody???

02-17-14, 12:33 PM
Where did 2/17 come from? I thought the end of the month was mentioned in the Valentine thread. Have not seen an in-game pop up yet so not sure where the 17th came from?

Ok ... I see where you got the 17th.. That's for the Valentine animals, etc. not the pink alicorn.

My mistake. I apologize.

02-17-14, 01:31 PM
Yes, when initially released, it was stated in game as well as here that all valentine items (animals, plants, decorations, love spire) would be in the market until today, 2/17, with exception of the pink alicorn, which will stay in market all month.
I'm asking about all those items...and nobody seems to know or wants to tell. But, it's obviously not noon PST, since it is now after that time....

02-17-14, 02:33 PM
Yea...it's been about 8 hours since you first posted. Everyone's trying to figure out what outfit to copy for release in Fashion Story tomorrow. Haha....bad joke....sorry.
No telling with these guys.

02-17-14, 02:34 PM
I'm just another player so I can't tell you for sure, but since you seem to really want to know:

I'm pretty sure if they say if a sale or promotion ends on 2/17, then you have the whole day on the 17th to buy them. That is what I have observed in the past.
Do you still have something you want? Might as well buy them now rather than later, but if you are waiting for an adventure, you have until midnight TL time (when your gifts reset).

02-17-14, 02:44 PM
meme1098: ahhhh, so THAT'S where everybody is...something going on w a diff TL game, lol, ok...

faeriedust: Thanks. Yeah, I was just looking for an idea of what you guys have experienced in the past. Again, this is my first time experiencing a limited-time holiday offering in the market. I had seen another player mention on another thread that he was waiting til the last day 'cause they'd all go on sale. Yeah, I have my eye on a couple things and don't want to purchase prematurely if they're going to be discounted at the last minute, y'know? Only been playing for a month & already getting stingy with my gems lol. Thanks for your responses, guys :)

02-17-14, 03:08 PM
If you want something, get it in the market while you can. If something ENDS on 2/17, it might go through midnight that day, but don't count on it.

02-17-14, 03:10 PM
If you want something, get it in the market while you can. If something ENDS on 2/17, it might go through midnight that day, but don't count on it.

LOL, ok, thanks for the advice ...I take it, things aren't very consistent around here?...sometimes they're in market til midnight on last day, sometimes not...sometimes go on sale, sometimes don't.... Lol, am I about right? lol

02-17-14, 03:49 PM
LOL, ok, thanks for the advice ...I take it, things aren't very consistent around here?...sometimes they're in market til midnight on last day, sometimes not...sometimes go on sale, sometimes don't.... Lol, am I about right? lol
Exactly right. If it's important to you, don't gamble on consistency and predictability. TL continues to change how they do things. :)

02-17-14, 03:50 PM
In the update for the 30 January release, post 30 by glimmergate he/she started they will be available for a while after 14 Feb. It was further stated that an in-game announcement would be put out a few days before.

I think The date of the 17th was mentioned by another poster, not someone officially from TL.

If someone knows how to put a link into this thread back to that post that may be so assistance. I don't know how to do it. Cheers

02-17-14, 03:57 PM
The 2/17 date came from the in-game pop-up, right?
I can't check, because the pop-up shows up only once a day, and I've already dismissed my pop up.

As for when exactly they will go--I don't know. Will there be a sale? I don't know.

So if there is something you really want, I suggest buying it sooner rather than later.

02-17-14, 03:58 PM
CottageRose: Thanks for advice...can't decide if I wanna gamble waiting lil longer or not lol...ohhhh, the pressure! Lol

Outhouse: the link is here:
Second post from Aggwynn says feb 17 - that's where I'm getting all this from...

02-17-14, 03:59 PM
Thanks MiniLaura ~ guess I'll bite the bullet before they all disappear lol

02-17-14, 04:05 PM
As for when exactly they will go--I don't know. Will there be a sale? I don't know..

Sale?!? I'd gladly plunk down some gold coins for a few pink cows or maybe even a sheep. Why the chicken was available for coins (and only 2K), and the rest were gems is beyond me.

02-17-14, 04:09 PM
LOL! Items changing from costing gems to coins??...don't see that happening, lol... I just thought maybe perhaps some of the gem items would be REDUCED since they're leaving the market ...but, doesn't look like that's gonna happen either lol

02-17-14, 04:25 PM
Nothwoodskingdom. Thanks for that, I was looking at the other post.

Hopefully they will put out a message as they stated a few days before they go. Kind regards

02-17-14, 04:30 PM
Seeing as how today is the 17th, not sure how they can give us days notice of items leaving market ... I PM'd Aggwynn to get more info. Hopefully I get a response before they're gone. Thanks everybody, :)

02-18-14, 07:41 AM
Mods: you can delete this thread please.... All of the Valentine items are *still* in the market after the announced & posted end date of yesterday; I never received a response from Aggwynn & I've purchased all I wanted last night, thinking they were leaving... so now I don't care if there's a sale or not. lol

kooky panda
02-18-14, 11:03 AM
They may have decided to extend the date .
I am glad you bought what you needed!
Closing thread as per OP's request.