View Full Version : where do I get?

02-17-14, 03:23 AM
Have just purchased an extra till and need someone to man it. Can anyone tell me where to look and how much it will cost? Thanks

02-17-14, 03:29 AM
You have to buy a door for 10 gems, under wall decor. No one needed to man it.(or woman it). (;

02-17-14, 05:34 AM
Bought the door and the cash till - how come no one needed to man the till? I don't want any of my customers sneaking out without paying :-) :-)

kooky panda
02-17-14, 07:36 AM
You will only have one active cash register. Your second one is a decoration only.
If you have two doors and block off your bakery and have two separate bakeries, then both registers will be used. (You can place one of your decorations behind it)

02-17-14, 10:47 AM
If you have two doors and block off your bakery and have two separate bakeries, then both registers will be used. (You can place one of your decorations behind it)

Even if you do this there still will be no one automatically standing behind the till. You can buy one of the waitresses or other figures, like the candy princess and place that behind the till to give the appearance of someone standing behind it.

02-17-14, 06:09 PM
In RS I use Action Chef Lee as 1 of my hosts 2 stand behind my host table( we have host tables instead of tills) I know that 1 of the first quests /challenges in BS u earn Loretta and Pierre as the rewards 4 completing it. That's what I might suggest since u don't have 2 pay for either of them. Check ur Design Tab (floor decor) towards the back of it 2 c if u have either of them. That's who I would use.

02-27-14, 09:13 PM
If you make the two separate bakeries (by dividing and setting up a second register) can you get double the patrons? I believe there is some formula for patrons x level.

I'm trying this out now. I have patrons coming in both doors and using both registers, but I can't tell if I'm processing double the money.

02-27-14, 09:22 PM
Ull only have a maximum of 28 customers in the bakeries at the same time. Try and set up the same # of accessible tables and chairs 4 ea reg. all of ur other tables should b chair free or ur customers might wander all over the place trying 2 get 2 them.
It might take awhile 2 c a difference in ur cash flow but there should b, how much I'm not sure. Just make sure that ur till is close 2 the door and ur patrons can access ur tables easily. U want 2 c lots of happy hearts.