View Full Version : Value Pack/Limited Time/with Tusker Dragon

02-16-14, 02:37 PM
This just came up on my game this morning. For $9.99 (75% off) I can get 250K coins, 10K food and a Tusker Dragon. I searched the forum to see if anyone was talking about it but didn't find anything. My three close friends that are playing the game do not have this offer. Do you guys know how this works? I'm at level 18, one friend at 16 the other two just started two days ago and are at 8.
A few days ago I had an offer to get gold at 30% off. My level 16 friend did not have that offer either.
Thanks for any help you can provide.

02-16-14, 03:02 PM
You'll find discussions on value packs in this thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?51493-Treasure-Chest-Value-Pack). Value packs can be a great opportunity to buy dragons that you're struggling to breed, gold/food/coins. Both value packs and gold sales go out to random accounts. This is why you might see one and yours friend didn't.