View Full Version : How do you feel about the 'Surprise Boxes'??

02-16-14, 10:19 AM
Personally, I really Hate them! So far, every time I have tried one, I have ended up with some small, useless item that's definitely not worth 24 gems! I would so much prefer to just spend my gems on the item I want, and actually use them! Even though 45 gems is a lot of gems, I would spend them if I could be guaranteed the item I wanted!:confused:

02-16-14, 03:37 PM
Personally, I really Hate them! So far, every time I have tried one, I have ended up with some small, useless item that's definitely not worth 24 gems!:confused:
That's y they're referred 2 as mystery boxes. U go in2 them knowing the risk of getting something not worth the gems ur spending. There've been numerous times I've gotten duplicates and I've had 2 say O well and that makes me stop "wasting" my hard earned gems. If u hate them so much quit playing them or only play them 1 time.

02-17-14, 01:15 PM
I feel surprised by them they give you items that you can not get anywhere else

02-17-14, 01:51 PM
I do wish you could just spend more for the item you want, but that's just part of the gimmick. I've only opened two. Once I got a "Miss Confectionary" or whatever she's called, and I don't really like her. But in the second one, I got a Piano Fountain, which is what I really wanted. So sometimes you really do get a cool item if you're willing to gamble.

02-17-14, 03:09 PM
I think they're a fun addition to the game because you can get semi exclusive content. However, I personally don't think they're worth the gamble. I've only bought two. I was okay with what I got the first time (candy dish) and hated the ugly statue I got second time.

Since I don't plan to spend my money on gems, they take a lot of work to earn and I'd rather spend them on things I know I want. If I buy another mystery box, I am going to be very selective.

02-20-14, 08:13 AM
I would prefer more LTOs, instead of all the boxes. Like I said before, I prefer to just pay for what I want. Many of the items are really cute, but I figure I won't get them even if I try. I've done the boxes about 5-6 times and never have I gotten anything above third place. I've stopped trying them. However, if the larger items were LTOs I would snatch them up quickly!

02-21-14, 09:43 AM
I kind of like them, I hate getting something dumb but the surprise and unknown element is kind of thrilling to me. My sister and I wait until we have over 100 gems each and if it's been awhile we find a box we like and open it like 3 times together- double the surprise it's sort of fun. usually we wait until after the black friday sale because that's what we save the gems for unless we know we will have enough for both the boxes and the black friday sale.

02-21-14, 07:50 PM
The best I've received is a 2nd prize item but I still like the 'gamble'. Luckily I've been able to buy lots of 1st prize items during the yearly sales. I like having stuff that other bakeries don't so for me they add some fun and exclusivity to the game.

02-24-14, 08:04 PM
I've wasted too many gems on them, that's what I think.

08-24-14, 08:49 PM
I opened the Birthday Surprise box (by mistake, although I had thought about it :cool: ) I got one of the two items I really liked: table w/gifts. I don't remember what prize it was :-/ does anybody know? I did like what I got this time, but I do think it's a risk ( I know, that's the pont), so make sure you like most of the items, especially 3rd and 4th place (God, I really like that pie rack... :-D )

08-25-14, 12:46 AM
I used to really like them, bought them all the time. Then I bought seven one day, and got 5 of one 4th place prize, and 2 of another 4th place prize. I intended to spend that many gems, but if I had at least gotten all the 4th place prizes before they started repeating, I would have been ok. That was St Patricks day. Since then I haven't bought any more until last week. I bought 3, and got 2 of the same 4th place prizes again, and one other 4th place.
Again, I don't mind getting 4th place prizes, I mind getting the same ones before I've gotten all of the 4th place ones.
I'm not going to buy more unless they change the way the prizes are awarded. No repeats of prizes until you have all of the prizes for that level.

08-25-14, 02:52 AM
I feel surprised by them they give you items that you can not get anywhere else

I feel exactly the same way. It's kind of thrilling to gamble on a box where you could get something amazing or something not so amazing. It's just really exciting, especially when you get what you really wanted or don't know what to expect and you get something nice. I'd gamble on TL boxes before going to a casino any day, lol. I'm not a gambler and at least with boxes you get something out of it. It's fun when you have gems to spare.

08-25-14, 04:52 AM
love them! i like having stuff that not absolutely everyone has (although i tend to get the lower prizes, so it's not totally brag-worthy) and i like the thrill of hitting buy and thinking i might score something great. granted, i tend to have very good luck on the repeating issue (i've only had repeats on 2 boxes, both in RS, and one of them was because i bought it like 15 times) so that prevents a lot of the frustration others get.

i just wish the boxes were better--the bakery boxes are mostly not my style, this last one is the only one that i like all the prizes without exception, even if i don't think they're all worth 24 gems. they really should improve the 4th place prizes, especially when you see stuff like the fridge in the new box, which is great--why can't all 4th places be that good?

08-25-14, 06:39 AM
I like them enough, but I try to weigh my purchase before gambling. I look at the Master Box list and decide to buy based on how many items from the box I'd be happy with getting. If it's less than half for the entire box, I save my gems for other things.

Like many other people, I wish they had a confirmation function before the purchase went through. I accidentally did a gamble this way and lost 24 gems, but I use the item more than I thought I would so it evened out for me :)

08-25-14, 08:12 AM
I've used em in RS and got some good stuff, some okay stuff but I didn't care much for the boxes here on BS until last week's. I bought four items and on my fourth try got what I really wanted - the Baker's Square. I was kinda new-ish last year on Black Friday so didn't know the nuances of the game but a lot of the first-place prizes were for sale on Black Friday. I bought Barista Counter and Gelato Stand and a gazebo of some sort. Hopefully that pattern continues this year.

Anyway I guess if you really want something and have the gems it's worth the risk but you also have to keep in mind that this is Team Lava and they'll seemingly find ways to screw you so know that going in.

Oh yeah I blew like 70 gems by hitting the wrong button on RS and Team Lava refused to refund them to me so I figure why save my gems for Black Friday if that's gonna happen. I'd rather blow gems on boxes than stupid food.

08-25-14, 11:06 AM
I'm too much of a control freak to gamble my gems on the unknown. I wish they would just add the items to the market and let us buy what we want. Or make all the prizes first place quality.

08-25-14, 11:44 AM
they ...k

08-25-14, 12:04 PM
I've opened I think around 40 I've only gotten 2nd prize twice never first prize so that proves its completely random I like to get some different items so I don't mind getting fourth place items I like them you should always check master box list to see if you'll like anything in that box first

08-25-14, 08:41 PM
Too many duplicates, and 99% of the 3rd and 4th place items aren't worth the 24 gems. I do love a lot of the items though.

I agree and wish there were more LTO's.

08-25-14, 09:38 PM
I kind of liked them, but in my opinion, never try the same box more than once because you'll run a risk for getting the same items twice... :)

08-26-14, 09:22 AM
The best I've received is a 2nd prize item but I still like the 'gamble'. Luckily I've been able to buy lots of 1st prize items during the yearly sales. I like having stuff that other bakeries don't so for me they add some fun and exclusivity to the game.

I agree, I find it fun having items that not all bakeries have. When I open a box, I wait for a certain amount of seconds before I open it again. I opened the new box 7 times with only 1 duplicate item. Same exact pattern with the birthday box, got all 3rd and 4th place items with one duplicate. I get 2nd prizes occasionally, but I'm just happy that I seem to get *knock on wood* 6 new items with each box. Now I just need some more 1st and 2nd placers!! (I have a few but I want them all! lol).

08-26-14, 06:06 PM
also, i'm pretty sure we should all love boxes. i hold fast to my theory that people who buy gems buy boxes--there are probably some who buy gems solely to spend them on tiles, wallpaper or non-boxed decorations, but i bet they're the minority of gem buyers. and since TL is a for-profit company, items that convince players to spend cash is what keeps the game we all love around for us to play.

08-26-14, 10:40 PM
I buy them...not as often as many others but I do love them as an indulgence!

08-26-14, 11:37 PM
also, i'm pretty sure we should all love boxes. i hold fast to my theory that people who buy gems buy boxes--there are probably some who buy gems solely to spend them on tiles, wallpaper or non-boxed decorations, but i bet they're the minority of gem buyers. and since TL is a for-profit company, items that convince players to spend cash is what keeps the game we all love around for us to play.
Well said!

08-27-14, 01:23 PM
Well said!

I actually agree

08-27-14, 08:12 PM
I opened the Birthday Surprise box (by mistake, although I had thought about it :cool: ) I got one of the two items I really liked: table w/gifts. I don't remember what prize it was :-/ does anybody know? I did like what I got this time, but I do think it's a risk ( I know, that's the pont), so make sure you like most of the items, especially 3rd and 4th place (God, I really like that pie rack... :-D )

I know! I actually got it on the first try in my 2nd bakery! Then I accidentally bought it again & got the mixing bowls... Oh well.

08-27-14, 08:16 PM
I guess the designer should consider not repeating the gift when one opens a box for many times. There was one occasion I've got the same item FOUR times continuously when I open a box!! That was soooooooooooo disappointing and a waste of gems. I would be much happier to open the boxes if the items are not going to repeat that often!! I mean I don't mind to have two of the same item, but not that many!!

08-31-14, 07:10 PM
I like them. I like the suspense when I buy them.
I wish you couldn't get the same item twice, but then again sometimes I want two of an item anyways!

09-01-14, 08:17 AM
I guess the designer should consider not repeating the gift when one opens a box for many times. There was one occasion I've got the same item FOUR times continuously when I open a box!! That was soooooooooooo disappointing and a waste of gems. I would be much happier to open the boxes if the items are not going to repeat that often!! I mean I don't mind to have two of the same item, but not that many!!

And yet there are some prizes of which you want multiples.

09-22-14, 06:36 AM
I have not fell in love with these mystery boxes yet. The only time I bought a box was when I accidently clicked all over the screen when my game was frozen. And all of a sudden I bought a box. Ops! :p

I have not give it another try since that little accident. :D

09-26-14, 06:28 AM
I just opened my first box. The fall surprise. All I got was an autumn cake! So not worth 24 gems!! :(