View Full Version : Wall and posts!

02-11-14, 06:50 PM
Hi everybody,
I need help with the wall!
Everyday I received many posts so I loose many of the news one cause the are going to be deleted.
Is there a method not to loose them?
Is it possible to enlarge the number of posts on the wall?
Pls help me!

Thanks... :)

02-11-14, 07:23 PM
U have 2 different sides.
1 side is the News Feed where there r only 20 posts at any 1 time. Ull lose the older posts from there as more activity takes place. I'm not an expert on the News Feed side so I'll leave it up 2 some one else 2 explain 2 u.

The other part of the wall is where anyone can write any comment (however the censors will not allow "inappropriate" language 2 b used). U control how long the comments stay by using the red x at the r side. I once saw a NBR that had posts going back over 7months.

I hope that answers ur ? Or at least starts 2.

02-12-14, 12:27 AM
Your wall holds 50 posts. The only way to keep them from dropping off the bottom is to keep unneeded ones deleted.

kooky panda
02-12-14, 05:52 AM
Your newsfeed will only hold 10 messages of who tips you and 10 messages of who accepts your goal/parts requests.
I am sorry but there is not a way to increase this number. As more players tip, your older messages will automatically drop off.

02-12-14, 01:46 PM
For me, I delete each comment on my wall as I get them because this way the message I want visitors to see are kept on.

02-13-14, 12:53 AM
Thanks everybody!! I'll try to keep wall clean!!