View Full Version : Material request lag.

02-07-14, 10:23 AM
Why do I often have material requests etc that often show 12+ hour lag from the time of requests(sometimes it even says days!)? I regularly check it, a couple of times a day, I'm hooked!, and I have notification on too. Some of my other neighbours report the same problem. Also on RS.

02-07-14, 10:31 AM
I have the same problem and it seems to happen randomly. It happens less often now in RS and BS but I don't know what changed except I started focusing more on goals.

02-07-14, 12:23 PM
Could be that there are more than 20 requests being sent out per day by that particular neighbour. There seems to be a delay that sets in when more than 20 gift requests per day are made. Sadly there is no way of verifying it.