View Full Version : Quick question

02-07-14, 05:48 AM
Hey all,

I was wondering if you receive random collectibles?
Or what can I do to get 1 special item?
If that makes sense?
For example I have 48 cooking hats (!), 14 aprons, 30 gloves and 0 cooking shirts (chef implements).
Annoying lol :)

02-07-14, 04:18 PM
There's a thread somewhere, no don't ask me where cause I sure don't remember where, that breaks down how 2 best collect the different items in collectibles. Yes they r random but there is a way 2 hopefully collect some of them. However the Golden Utensils r totally random.. Now I'm sure uve noticed the rewards 4 completing a complete set of each type of them and u might b wondering if there's a monetary 1 4 the Utensils. Here in BS ur able 2 sell ea set 4 $2,500 and in RS they're worth $1,250 4 ea set. Ull also b working thru lvls 1-4 and collecting money or gems, just like w recipes, and once u complete lvl 4 ull receive 2 gems.
So I hope I helped 2 answer ur question and hopefully some1 will come along and direct u 2 the thread that explains how 2 hopefully collect certain parts of the collectibles.

02-07-14, 05:26 PM
Here's the thread:


02-08-14, 03:41 AM
Thanks for your replies :)