View Full Version : Expansions

02-06-14, 09:01 AM
What is the max expansion for the shop? ____ x _____ ?

Thanks :D

02-06-14, 10:19 AM
Is this information still correct? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AirojqZymHCpdHByRG9Cc1NrYVJVNm9jYmREQWNMQ UE&gid=2

02-18-14, 07:38 AM

I was hoping someone out there had information on expansion limits because I've been saving gems to complete the process. If the shop will max out at 23x26 it would be nice to know so I can plan for future gem use. If anyone has gone higher than that, please post. Thanks!

02-18-14, 10:13 AM
23 by 26 is the last one available under my expansion tab. Hope that helps!

02-18-14, 10:26 AM
You can always check your design tab, in the expansion section (one with the arrows pointing in 4 different directions) and scroll to the right to see how many more expansions you have left and how much each one costs.

02-18-14, 02:19 PM
Thanks :) I did that ... and if that is all I have left then I will complete the expansions just to be done with it. That way I will know exactly how much space I will ever have to work with until TL decides to offer more expansion space. (If they decide to ...lol)