View Full Version : Declining Gifts

02-02-14, 03:52 PM
Hello, all!

I have a doubt.
I know we are "allowed" 20 gifts per day, but are those 20 accepted gifts or just the first 20 sent to us?
For example: If someone gifts me a dragon scale and I decline, will that be counted as a received gift or will I have cleared a slot for a new gift?


02-02-14, 03:54 PM
No declined gifts do not get counted in ur 20 4 the day they clear up a slot 4 u.

02-02-14, 03:57 PM
No declined gifts do not get counted in ur 20 4 the day they clear up a slot 4 u.

This is how it's supposted to work. But, some of us have a glitch, if we decline any gifts we don't get replacements.

02-02-14, 04:57 PM
If you decline/accept some gifts but leave others alone, does it show you more gifts (new ones along with the ones you didn't decline/accept)? Perhaps the next time you open the game? I'll try it tomorrow. I want to start trying to avoid having useless stuff in my inventory, I just blindly accept all gifts right now.

02-02-14, 05:32 PM
This is how it's supposted to work. But, some of us have a glitch, if we decline any gifts we don't get replacements.

Exactly what I was going to say.

02-02-14, 09:42 PM
If 20 neighbors send you gifts and you haven't declined or accepted any of them, the 21st neighbor to send you a gift will get the message that your gifts are maxed and will not be able to send you a gift.
This is why so many players do not like receiving gifts they have to decline. There is a big chance neighbors that were going to send you wanted gifts will get the maxed message and therefore not be able to send you anything because you had gifts in your queue you hadn't had a chance to decline yet. If they think you are maxed, they aren't going to come back and check again.

02-02-14, 10:17 PM
If 20 neighbors send you gifts and you haven't declined or accepted any of them, the 21st neighbor to send you a gift will get the message that your gifts are maxed and will not be able to send you a gift.
This is why so many players do not like receiving gifts they have to decline. There is a big chance neighbors that were going to send you wanted gifts will get the maxed message and therefore not be able to send you anything because you had gifts in your queue you hadn't had a chance to decline yet. If they think you are maxed, they aren't going to come back and check again.

If you try to send someone a gift and they are maxed, if they decline a gift you will get a message in your news feed that you can gift back. It's the same message you get when someone sends you a gift and you haven't sent them one that day.

02-02-14, 10:18 PM
So if I get 20 gift offers and accept some and decline some... I will only get more if neighbors send the gift after I accepted/declined those. Right?

02-02-14, 10:24 PM
So if I get 20 gift offers and accept some and decline some... I will only get more if neighbors send the gift after I accepted/declined those. Right?

If you have 20 and decline some, you can get more if neighbors send after you decline.

An unaccepted gift in your news feed and an accepted gift both count the same.

thats how it's supposed to work. Like some people said, declined gifts don't always decrement the gift counter. It's happened to me too.

02-03-14, 02:09 PM
I'm always declining gifts especially when I get sent brownies, dragon scales etc.. Even during Challenges when I'm looking 4 certain parts 2 build ovens or drink machines. So I'm able 2 receive the gifts I'm looking 4 later in the day. I play on iOS 7 on either iPhone or iPad.