View Full Version : St. Patrick's Day Shamrock constructable

01-27-14, 02:07 PM
I am trying to clear my gift box out and have a shamrock from the shamrock oven that I can not use. Since March is approaching I would like to request that any new st. Patrick's item include this part so that I can finally use the part

01-27-14, 02:36 PM
A quick ?. Y do u want 2 clear out ur gifts? Ull always need parts 2 build ovens so I figure the more parts I have the easier it is 2 build new ovens. I'm just curious

01-28-14, 10:31 AM
there has been 2 shamrocks already, expect a 3rd one this year and receive all 3 as gifts bcz people cant tell them apart xDD

01-28-14, 10:41 AM
there has been 2 shamrocks already, expect a 3rd one this year and receive all 3 as gifts bcz people cant tell them apart xDD

I doubt so. Based on the recent updates we gotten, I bet they're running out of creativity juice. I'm guessing they will simply just re-use one of the old shamrock part. :p

01-28-14, 11:06 AM
A quick ?. Y do u want 2 clear out ur gifts? Ull always need parts 2 build ovens so I figure the more parts I have the easier it is 2 build new ovens. I'm just curious

It drives some people crazy seeing their inventory "cluttered" with stuff they are not using. Not me...I don't really care whether they are there or not. :p

01-29-14, 06:02 AM
sign me up for the crazy person list. i hate that. because you may always need paint and gears and fuses, but you're not ever going to need fifty dragon scales unless you really like dragons. and if you still use food gifts, as i do, or you want to check how many you have of a frequently-used part before you buy a new appliance, those things always end up on the last page, so you have to scroll past the ice flake knobs and relay batons to see them, which is annoying. just wish i'd known not to accept gifts i couldn't use way back when!

01-29-14, 06:54 AM
It would help if they displayed gifts as they display friends, six/page.

05-20-15, 12:04 PM
here,here! If food gifts were in front, I wouldn't mind so much but i dont like useless clutter as soon as I open my gifts tab. lol

I'm around level 50 on both BS and RS and have just figured out that you cant accept everything without it piling up eventually. Having the visual chart of what parts make what, really helps determine what I am going to build next. Thanks to all you wonderful helpful people and all my awesome neighbors on both games!
