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View Full Version : How does Stormie have a "rose" oven?

01-24-14, 12:08 AM
And it makes different Valentine cupcakes and a cake not available.......?

01-24-14, 12:15 AM
Rose oven is from last years valentine day goal if I'm not mistaken :) I also have it in my bakery.

01-24-14, 12:59 AM
Yeh rose oven is from valentines goal 2013

01-24-14, 02:43 AM
It sucks that in Design mode I can view all the items that I did not get due to not completing goals. If these items are not available for me, not now and not in the future, remove them from the option list...... Items that we buy are deleted (seasonal items) and items that we never achieved are visible under our noses for ever.... Weird priority list from the design team.

01-24-14, 04:20 AM
Please bring back Rose oven!!!! Maybe as a LTO, for gems??

01-24-14, 08:08 AM
I don't have this oven and I was kinda annoyed that it was there.... silently mocking me! >.<

01-24-14, 08:59 AM
It sucks that in Design mode I can view all the items that I did not get due to not completing goals. If these items are not available for me, not now and not in the future, remove them from the option list...... Items that we buy are deleted (seasonal items) and items that we never achieved are visible under our noses for ever.... Weird priority list from the design team.

LOL, you make a very good point :D Though Stormie's store still looks a bit anemic this time, the idea of enticing purchases that cannot be made is a little funny to me. "Hmm, what would you recommend?" "The lamb chops are delicious, sir." "Okay, I'll have those." "Sorry, sir, we don't have any"! :rolleyes:

01-24-14, 11:41 AM
It sucks that in Design mode I can view all the items that I did not get due to not completing goals. If these items are not available for me, not now and not in the future, remove them from the option list...... Items that we buy are deleted (seasonal items) and items that we never achieved are visible under our noses for ever.... Weird priority list from the design team.

I'm so with you on this one, I wish they would take off the items I didn't get I hate seeing them or at least give us another opportunity to get them, I also wish we could sell wallpapers and floor tiles, we can sell everything else, why not them.

01-24-14, 04:25 PM
Stormie has a Rose Oven because she earned one during the Valentines Challenge in 2013 and has it out because she apparently wanted 2 cook more this year.
Its ridiculous 2 expect every item ever created 4 this game 2 b always available 2 all players. It seems like w each season, holiday or month someone gets upset when they look in the Design Tab and they discover something they wish they had. Right now it happens 2 b the Rose Oven or certain decor.
I know w the Rose Oven it was part of the Valentines Challenge and it had 2 b earned just like all other appliances in goals. They just aren't given 2 u and u just can't buy them w gems. Y should TL change things now? I don't think it would b fair 2 the ppl who were playing this time and earned the right 2 use the ovens or decor. Ppl will always c items in someone else's bakery/restaurant that they wish they could have and not b able 2 get it. I believe that we should b thankful 4 what we have .
TL should not remove items from the decor, including goal ovens, Tab since there r ppl who worked hard 2 earn these items and if they're removed they won't have access 2 them. For example. I played the challenge where u built the ovens that cooked pan dulce (don't remember name of challenge or name of ovens), just 1 of 3 recipes u had 2 ck. I disliked challenge and was just happy 2 finish it. When I got more time I went back 2 finish the recipes 2 earn the gems after mastering them. If TL had removed these ovens after awhile i would not have been able 2 finish the recipes and not earned the gems. Would that have been fair?

Sorry I got so long winded but it took quite awhile 2 respond 2 this thread and I wanted 2 make sure I said what in wanted 2 say.

01-24-14, 04:50 PM
TL should not remove items from the decor, including goal ovens, Tab since there r ppl who worked hard 2 earn these items and if they're removed they won't have access 2 them. For example. I played the SweetCo challenge and at the time I didn't max on the 2 different appliances because I was busy w other stuff and I knew I could come back 2 them 2 finish mastering them. If TL removed them after a period of time I would've never been able 2 master them 4 the gems. Would that've been fair?

Ahh, but you see everybody gets to do the sweet co goals and so everybody has a shot at getting those gems and decor.
What happens now is that new players don't even have a shot at doing the goals because they are just never offered to them. How is this fair? I can understand having limited decor items. I can even understand having ovens or decor only available under certain versions of the game- halloween, summer, valentine's day etc. But goals where the reward is an appliance should be available for every player to complete.

01-24-14, 04:55 PM
For example. I played the SweetCo challenge and at the time I didn't max on the 2 different appliances because I was busy w other stuff and I knew I could come back 2 them 2 finish mastering them. If TL removed them after a period of time I would've never been able 2 master them 4 the gems. Would that've been fair?

TL removes goal ovens all the time (Halloween/Christmas). If TL did remove your sweetco ovens, you could still have mastered the recipes for gems because you still would own your ovens that you had already purchased.

01-24-14, 05:04 PM
Ahh, but you see everybody gets to do the sweet co goals and so everybody has a shot at getting those gems and decor.
What happens now is that new players don't even have a shot at doing the goals because they are just never offered to them. How is this fair? I can understand having limited decor items. I can even understand having ovens or decor only available under certain versions of the game- halloween, summer, valentine's day etc. But goals where the reward is an appliance should be available for every player to complete.
Ur right about the SweetCo challenge so I changed challenges.

01-24-14, 06:20 PM
Stormie has a Rose Oven because she earned one during the Valentines Challenge in 2013 and has it out because she apparently wanted 2 cook more this year.
Its ridiculous 2 expect every item ever created 4 this game 2 b always available 2 all players. It seems like w each season, holiday or month someone gets upset when they look in the Design Tab and they discover something they wish they had. Right now it happens 2 b the Rose Oven or certain decor.
I know w the Rose Oven it was part of the Valentines Challenge and it had 2 b earned just like all other appliances in goals. They just aren't given 2 u and u just can't buy them w gems. Y should TL change things now? I don't think it would b fair 2 the ppl who were playing this time and earned the right 2 use the ovens or decor. Ppl will always c items in someone else's bakery/restaurant that they wish they could have and not b able 2 get it. I believe that we should b thankful 4 what we have .
TL should not remove items from the decor, including goal ovens, Tab since there r ppl who worked hard 2 earn these items and if they're removed they won't have access 2 them. For example. I played the challenge where u built the ovens that cooked pan dulce (don't remember name of challenge or name of ovens), just 1 of 3 recipes u had 2 ck. I disliked challenge and was just happy 2 finish it. When I got more time I went back 2 finish the recipes 2 earn the gems after mastering them. If TL had removed these ovens after awhile i would not have been able 2 finish the recipes and not earned the gems. Would that have been fair?

Sorry I got so long winded but it took quite awhile 2 respond 2 this thread and I wanted 2 make sure I said what in wanted 2 say.

I get where you are coming from, but have you ever considered what the design tab looks like to someone starting a new bakery? There is so much content locked by goal, almost as much as content not locked by goal. 78story is correct, if TL were to remove the goal ovens, you would still have the ones you purchased and built in your inventory to access whenever you want. You would be able to go back and master everything on the Puebla oven whenever you want using the ovens you have built, you just wouldn't be able to build more. And same with the decor items you've bought- they are yours to keep. Take a look at all the ovens released with goals attached in the last year: winter oven, rose oven, jazz oven, musical drink machine, Puebla oven, Puebla drink machine, tea time kettle, tea time oven, pirate oven, frosty freezer, frozen banana stand, gourmet soda machine, movie night oven, harvest candy maker, and bakesgiving oven. I excluded the haunted drink machine, spectral oven, Yuletide candy maker and Yuletide oven because they have been removed and new players wouldn't see them locked by goal under the design tab. If you do the math, that's 90 unattainable gems for anyone started a new bakery. How is that fair? I started playing in March of last year and the rose oven goals were over by the time I began. I think the pink rose cupcakes and the rose cake are beautiful and I would love to have the oven, but I understand that's how the game goes. In my opinion, since I highly doubt TL will ever rerelease goals for players, the locked by goal content should have been removed in January along with all of the holiday items so new players don't have to feel taunted. Even if someone only had one of each of the ovens built they would still be able to master everything, it would just take some time. Or as bobbyrae said, the goals should be available for all to complete. I see bakeries with all kinds of appliances that were removed before my time like the dehydrator and world games appliances. But it doesn't upset me- they were removed before I even started playing, not sitting under the design tab locked by a goal I can never unlock.

01-25-14, 09:04 PM
I did not originally ask this question to complain about it. To be perfectly honest, sadly, I thought the answer was going to be that the oven was part of the rumored Valientine Goal that TL had accidentally placed in Stormis bakery ahead of time. I certainly did not intend ti start the rucus that it did.

01-25-14, 10:26 PM
I did not originally ask this question to complain about it. To be perfectly honest, sadly, I thought the answer was going to be that the oven was part of the rumored Valientine Goal that TL had accidentally placed in Stormis bakery ahead of time. I certainly did not intend ti start the rucus that it did.

I totally understand. :) Sorry for the rant- I also didn't mean to sound like I was complaining about not having the rose oven either. When I first started the game I remember waiting and waiting to get the goals to unlock the stuff that was locked and it was a long time before I realized they weren't coming. New players start threads all the time about locked content and how to unlock it and I always feel bad because it must suck to see all the stuff that's locked. A while back Stormie's was redecorated using a floor tile that had been removed and it caused a bit of chaos lol. So don't feel bad because this is nothing compared to the fire that pink floor tile started ;). And we will just keep our fingers crossed that they release Valentine goals when the winter wedding set is done. Maybe they will come up with an oven that produces stuff as pretty as the rose oven! :)

01-25-14, 11:20 PM
The rose oven has some of the prettiest recipes in the game. I wish everyone could have those recipes. I'd be sad if I didn't have them.

01-26-14, 12:46 AM
Haha if TL were to start rereleasing any of the past goals, they would have to rerelease all the past goals since BS first began because people would be complaining about rereleasing one goal and not other ones, which is really absurd if TL would do that, you can't possibly imagine how many goals we had in the past, and if we were to rerealease goals one by one, what would be the point of looking forward to upcoming goals? I started late too, but I'm not complaining even though I do wish I started earlier, but I can understand why and the reasons why TL has its rules. Just my POV :)

01-26-14, 07:47 AM
They could just release the ones that have ovens and recipes as rewards.

01-26-14, 08:41 AM
Haha if TL were to start rereleasing any of the past goals, they would have to rerelease all the past goals since BS first began because people would be complaining about rereleasing one goal and not other ones, which is really absurd if TL would do that, you can't possibly imagine how many goals we had in the past, and if we were to rerealease goals one by one, what would be the point of looking forward to upcoming goals? I started late too, but I'm not complaining even though I do wish I started earlier, but I can understand why and the reasons why TL has its rules. Just my POV :)

Totally agree.

01-26-14, 08:50 AM
They could just release the ones that have ovens and recipes as rewards.

Agreed! They're missing out on a huge gem-earning possibility here. If they decided to allow people to unlock the ovens for a certain number of gems (It would have to be a pretty high number to make people who completed the goals feel like they didn't waste their time to get them), I'm sure there are tons of people who would buy them. I definitely would! There are some ovens from before I started playing (especially the Tea Time kettle and oven) that I would buy in a heartbeat.

01-26-14, 09:31 AM
TL may be missing out on revenue but there's a reward system for playing longer. Just keep on playing & next year when someone complains they don't have the items from this year you'll have them if you do the goals. I personally like seeing unique items in the bakeries of neighbours I visit.

Maybe this year the oven, recipes, counters, tables, chairs & decorations will be even bettter. That's my 2 cents.

01-26-14, 12:29 PM
Agreed! They're missing out on a huge gem-earning possibility here. If they decided to allow people to unlock the ovens for a certain number of gems (It would have to be a pretty high number to make people who completed the goals feel like they didn't waste their time to get them), I'm sure there are tons of people who would buy them. I definitely would! There are some ovens from before I started playing (especially the Tea Time kettle and oven) that I would buy in a heartbeat.

I don't see why it should cost gems to unlock them at all. It doesn't cost new players any gems to complete the sweet co goals.

01-26-14, 03:53 PM
Can't see the sweet co goals anymore as I completed them as soon as they came out. I had no idea those goals had no time limit? I thought all goals had a time limit?

Anyway, I think old content should be kept locked with the option to unlock with gems. This would make it fair to those who started late and didn't have an opportunity to do the goals but at the same time, it won't make older players feel ripped off because they got to complete the goals the old fashioned way. I would certainly be willing to unlock stuff for gems. Thankfully mine are only limited to a handful of recipes and not decor!

01-26-14, 04:45 PM
I, for one, get bummed out when I see the locked items, because I used to have them in my old bakery on my old phone and can't have them anymore. I don't really see the point of locking the goals anyway.

01-26-14, 06:31 PM
Can't see the sweet co goals anymore as I completed them as soon as they came out. I had no idea those goals had no time limit? I thought all goals had a time limit?

Anyway, I think old content should be kept locked with the option to unlock with gems. This would make it fair to those who started late and didn't have an opportunity to do the goals but at the same time, it won't make older players feel ripped off because they got to complete the goals the old fashioned way. I would certainly be willing to unlock stuff for gems. Thankfully mine are only limited to a handful of recipes and not decor!

Not all goals have a time limit. If you play on an iOS device (not sure about android) you get a set of goals when you begin that start you out serving coffee and brownies. When the sweet co goals were released, instead of releasing them like the other monthly goals with a 30 day timer, they were tied to the game, meaning they don't have a time limit and eventually will unlock for everyone. I'm not sure what level they unlock at but in my second bakery that I started in May, I still have yet to finish the last part of the goal where you prepare 35 king sweet cupcakes and it is still there every time I open the game.

01-26-14, 08:52 PM
I'm on iOS and I never noticed the sweet co goals to not have a time limit! I can't see the practicality of having all goals without a time limit though. I presume it would clog up the servers if they kept every single goal the game has had since it was release 4 years ago. Also explains why they regularly remove content to make room for new ones.

01-26-14, 09:11 PM
I'm on iOS and I never noticed the sweet co goals to not have a time limit! I can't see the practicality of having all goals without a time limit though. I presume it would clog up the servers if they kept every single goal the game has had since it was release 4 years ago. Also explains why they regularly remove content to make room for new ones.
Yeah I was shocked when I started my second bakery in May and the sweet co goals unlocked. I was thinking what the heck those goals came out a month ago haha. And I think you are totally right about the goals clogging up the servers if they had all without a time limit. I read a post a long time ago where someone suggested that each goal set be released for everyone but timed. So once you finished one set, the next would unlock, and so on. I thought it was a really interesting idea because if you chose not to do a set, that would be your decision. But then people would complain about not having enough money to finish or enough time...there would always be something for people to complain about ;). That's why I think they would have been better off to remove those appliances that came with goals for the last year. If we participated in the goals, we had to build them as part of the goals. Those of us who did them would still be able to master the recipes at our leisure and new players wouldn't be discouraged by all the locked ovens they won't be able to access.

01-26-14, 09:11 PM
They could just release the ones that have ovens and recipes as rewards.

I might b wrong but ALL the challenges I've played since I started and played, even brand new , since July 2012 have had ovens attached 2 them. So isn't that doing what ur asking 4?

01-26-14, 09:13 PM
I don't know if you play restaurant too, filochick, but they did the same thing over there with the gran gran goals. They unlock pretty early on in the game with no timer. :)

01-30-14, 05:53 PM

Also got full table. :confused:

01-30-14, 08:47 PM
I believe ppl need 2 accept the fact that the Rose Oven is locked unless they earned it last yr. No matter how much they beg or complain about it they won't get it from TL.

01-31-14, 01:28 PM
I have a couple of recipes locked by goals. Those particular goals cost a lot of gems to complete and so I see the recipes and wistfully feel good that I didn't waste my gems. Who knew that they'd always be there, taunting me.

I'm guessing that removing the timed goal content is not possible since it is intertwined with goals, where as removing certain seasonal content is possible since it stands alone.

While it's nice to have stuff, I also have a new small bakery that can't access some items. I'm ok with it because that new little bakery will NEVER catch up to all the recipes and gems available to it.

02-01-14, 07:09 PM
I have a couple of recipes locked by goals. Those particular goals cost a lot of gems to complete and so I see the recipes and wistfully feel good that I didn't waste my gems. Who knew that they'd always be there, taunting me.

I'm guessing that removing the timed goal content is not possible since it is intertwined with goals, where as removing certain seasonal content is possible since it stands alone.

While it's nice to have stuff, I also have a new small bakery that can't access some items. I'm ok with it because that new little bakery will NEVER catch up to all the recipes and gems available to it.

Removing timed goal content is entirely possible-- we already learned this when the Halloween and Christmas goal content was removed. :) If you don't mind me asking, which goals required a lot of gems to complete? I'm just curious about that.

02-01-14, 08:51 PM
Removing timed goal content is entirely possible-- we already learned this when the Halloween and Christmas goal content was removed. :) If you don't mind me asking, which goals required a lot of gems to complete? I'm just curious about that.

Good question. I've been playing BS and RS since July of 2012 and I know of no goal that's required gems 2 complete. Now I'm aware of being able 2 "skip" certain steps during a challenge by using gems they've ,TL, has never required us 2use gems 2 participate in a challenge. There was 1 challenge where 2 receive the reward 4 finishing that step if u wanted the decor that was the award 4 that step u had 2 pay 12 gems but the decor wasn't needed 2 complete the challenge.

02-01-14, 09:23 PM
Good question. I've been playing BS and RS since July of 2012 and I know of no goal that's required gems 2 complete. Now I'm aware of being able 2 "skip" certain steps during a challenge by using gems they've ,TL, has never required us 2use gems 2 participate in a challenge. There was 1 challenge where 2 receive the reward 4 finishing that step if u wanted the decor that was the award 4 that step u had 2 pay 12 gems but the decor wasn't needed 2 complete the challenge.
That's exactly what I was thinking. The only food on the oven that I see locked by goal is the stuff from Christmas 2012. I wasn't playing then, but I did go look up that goal thread and none of the goals required anyone to spend gems to complete. Do you play fashion story? I've seen a couple goals over there that do require you to spend gems but it's cheaper to do the skip option. One that comes to mind is the goals that came out around the 4th of July where you had to spend 10 gems (I think) on a pair of shoes in the closet or you could skip it for 2 gems. But I have never come across that in bakery or restaurant before so I was curious what goals saucysammis is referring to.

02-02-14, 05:54 AM
There was at least one goal that required gems to complete it. There may have been more but I don't remember. This was early on when challenges first started. It created quite a storm and players were very outraged. I cannot remember, though, which game or games it was in. I think you had to buy something that cost gems in order to complete the goal. Or spend gems to skip it. Some crazy thing or the other.

02-02-14, 07:01 AM
. I read a post a long time ago where someone suggested that each goal set be released for everyone but timed. So once you finished one set, the next would unlock, and so on. I thought it was a really interesting idea because if you chose not to do a set, that would be your decision. But then people would complain about not having enough money to finish or enough time...there would always be something for people to complain about ;).
It wasn't that long ago lol, and I still think it would work. New goal sets would keep coming out as usual, nothing changes there. My idea is an additional listing on the clipboard: "Start this goal set?" for any goals the game recognizes as never introduced on your game. Open it and choose 'no' and it goes away, never to return. Choose 'yes' and the month-long timer starts. It then progresses just like any other goal set, and expires as usual. That way we're no longer penalized for not knowing the game existed in time. Just that one shot though: Once they expire, they're done, and you were here for it this time, so no whining. It would be programmed to only allow the starting of one set at a time to avoid massive clipboard confusion and game lag, and the option to start any sets wouldn't be available at all during the week before and the week after the release of any new goals for the same reasons. And any new goals from here on out would show up in this new option for new players one year from their first release. Yes, the clipboard list could get long over time, but one look at my DS goal list proves that to be no problem for the game itself, programming/performance wise, since I don't do those at all and just breed whatever I like. ^_^

Did I miss anything? http://i44.tinypic.com/c2mbl.jpg

02-02-14, 07:24 AM
I think tink thots has a great idea. I'm one of those who "whines" because I'm not able to access items that are in the inventory while items that I have purchased are sometimes removed. However, I do not consider it whining because it is a game and if these items are still there (and being displayed in stormie's store) then everyone should have access. You don't play bubble mania only to be locked out of certain levels because someone else discovered the game before you and they're on level 83... it just makes sense to add this feature.

02-02-14, 07:32 AM
How well would this go over in real life?

"That specialty shop was built before you moved to this town, you can't buy clothes from there ma'am, go back to Walmart where you belong."


02-02-14, 10:11 AM
How well would this go over in real life?

"That specialty shop was built before you moved to this town, you can't buy clothes from there ma'am, go back to Walmart where you belong."


Exactly. I could not agree more.

02-02-14, 05:17 PM
There was at least one goal that required gems to complete it. There may have been more but I don't remember. This was early on when challenges first started. It created quite a storm and players were very outraged. I cannot remember, though, which game or games it was in. I think you had to buy something that cost gems in order to complete the goal. Or spend gems to skip it. Some crazy thing or the other.
Thanks for answering. I was intrigued by this :) I too have come across a few goals here and there in fashion that require you to spend gems to complete, whether you purchase the item they want you to or spend to skip. I was just wondering if anyone could say which goals specifically required gem spending to unlock recipes on the oven like the post I quoted said had happened. It doesn't look like the Christmas 2012 goals did...maybe the valentines goals or something? I was just curious.

It wasn't that long ago lol, and I still think it would work. New goal sets would keep coming out as usual, nothing changes there. My idea is an additional listing on the clipboard: "Start this goal set?" for any goals the game recognizes as never introduced on your game. Open it and choose 'no' and it goes away, never to return. Choose 'yes' and the month-long timer starts. It then progresses just like any other goal set, and expires as usual. That way we're no longer penalized for not knowing the game existed in time. Just that one shot though: Once they expire, they're done, and you were here for it this time, so no whining.
I really do think this is a great idea. And you are right about it being not that long ago because people suggest this all the time lol. I just meant that when I first came across the idea it was over a year ago so I'm sure TL has heard it long enough to give it some thought ;). And I love the analogies you always come up with-- so clever!!

02-02-14, 07:59 PM
Without a second thought I can clearly say that starting w Thanksgiving challenge 2012 thru the current one there hasn't been a step within a challenge where uve had 2 pay w gems 2 complete it. Now of course uve always had the option 2.skip a step by paying gems vbut there again I'm fairly certain uve never been required 2 pay that wouldn't b fair 2 those players who didn't have enough gems and couldn't afford 2 purchase them. There was 1 step where if u wanted the reward, a trumpet player who cost 12 gems, u had 2 pay 4 him but he wasn't required 2move on further in the challenge. The final prize 4 that challenge was the big blue piano
Please if I'm wrong tell me which challenge and what we had 2 pay the gems 4 cuz I'd love 2 know.

02-02-14, 08:46 PM
Thanks for answering. I was intrigued by this :) I too have come across a few goals here and there in fashion that require you to spend gems to complete, whether you purchase the item they want you to or spend to skip. I was just wondering if anyone could say which goals specifically required gem spending to unlock recipes on the oven like the post I quoted said had happened. It doesn't look like the Christmas 2012 goals did...maybe the valentines goals or something? I was just curious.

I believe your initial question asked about goals requiring gems to complete them. I cannot recall what the prize was for completing the goals that had required gems to be spent. I cannot recall the details of the goal since it was probably late 2011 and I wouldn't have spent the gems to finish them.

but there again I'm fairly certain uve never been required 2 pay that wouldn't b fair 2 those players who didn't have enough gems and couldn't afford 2 purchase them.

I assume you mean since 2012? I can say with certainty that when I played in 2011 there was at least one goal that required the purchase of at least one pricey gem item to complete it. As I said, i cannot remember which story game it was. I'm sure some smart person can search for the threads which were started in protest.

02-02-14, 09:27 PM
Right, sorry if I confused anyone. The person I quoted in my post said that they had food locked on the oven and they didn't complete the goals because they required gems to complete. So that's why in my post I asked which goals those were. What I was really asking was which food that is locked by goal on the oven required gem spending to complete. So sorry to cause the confusion :/