View Full Version : Trading Box Item with Neighbors

01-23-14, 05:51 PM
Please, TL, make it possible for us to trade our items with our neighbors like we do with stamps or CCG.

01-23-14, 11:12 PM
That would be awesome, because everyone who buys boxes ends up with multiples (like my 6 icing counters...)

But it won't happen, because TL would make less money.

01-23-14, 11:57 PM
I'd love to get rid of my multiples too. Or even sell them back TL for 12 gems so half of what I paid. I'll keep dreaming.

01-26-14, 07:15 AM
That would be awesome, because everyone who buys boxes ends up with multiples (like my 6 icing counters...)

But it won't happen, because TL would make less money.

If you think hard on the subject it could make them sell more.
You can separate players in two types: gem buyers and not-gem buyers.
The gem buyers would spend a little less, but it would be just little less, since first prizes are a wish and they are very hard to find, so the buyer type would keep buying untill find the first prize or until their money runs out.
The not-gem buyers, on the other hand may be separated in two types, "i don't spend money with the game" and "OMG I'm so afraid of spending gems in boxes and getting terrible item that I prefer not ever trying"
If items were tradeble this last group would start buying, since they didnt have to be afraid anymore, because if they got something they dont like they would eventualy trade the not wanted item.
So trading item would really result into sales increase to TL.

01-29-14, 06:36 AM
can you imagine the trolls? "i only have one really stupid 4th place surfboard, but gosh that 1st place prize you have is pretty. wanna trade?" "no really, wanna trade?" "c'mon, why won't you trade with me?" "you know, it's really mean of you not to trade. i'm just a poor student and i can't afford to buy gems and GIVE ME YOUR PASTRY HUB !"

and yes, i do have a stupid 4th place surfboard. any takers?

01-29-14, 06:45 AM
can you imagine the trolls? "i only have one really stupid 4th place surfboard, but gosh that 1st place prize you have is pretty. wanna trade?" "no really, wanna trade?" "c'mon, why won't you trade with me?" "you know, it's really mean of you not to trade. i'm just a poor student and i can't afford to buy gems and GIVE ME YOUR PASTRY HUB !"
and yes, i do have a stupid 4th place surfboard. any takers?

You never know... I might one day do a snowboarding decoration and a wall of surfboards might look crazy good looking...
Of course no one is crazy to trade it for a 1st place but I could trade for a very big 2nd wich can not fisicaly be dislayed simultaneously... with some more money worth items... why not?

01-29-14, 04:32 PM
I've only ever gotten 1st place items from buying during the Black Friday and older Christmas sales, so don't have multiples of these. I would happily trade all my multiple 2nd, 3rd and 4th place items though.