View Full Version : Long time bakery owner having to close?

01-15-14, 03:38 PM
I have been playing bakery store for a year or two and was wondering... Is there a maximum number of gems that you can receive per cooking appliance? I have purchased every appliance (except the ones that cost gems) and have cooked everything possible on those appliances. So will I never receive anymore gems from those appliances? Will I have to close up shop? Lol

01-15-14, 04:16 PM
My understanding is u can only receive 2 gems per recipe no matter what piece of equip ur using. I have no idea as 2 what is on the equip u buy w gems since I would never use gems 2 purchase those unless I discovered that they had different recipes. I've been playing 4 11/2yrs and I still have quite a few recipes and equip 2 go.

01-15-14, 04:21 PM
The ones that cost gems don't cook anything different than the regular oven does. They just either speed it up or are a colored oven because people like to match things in their bakery. I've mastered all of the recipes on the regular oven and like everyone else continue to BEG for new recipes on the regular oven but those seem to be going unheard.

As far as the tons of other machines i still have plenty of mastering to do. At this point we know there will always be new buildable machines so you'll always have more to master.

01-15-14, 04:23 PM
they bring new appliances with holiday goals

01-15-14, 04:55 PM
I've mastered all of the equipment except for the 2 new ones that just came out.

01-15-14, 05:25 PM
I've mastered all of the equipment except for the 2 new ones that just came out.

Well you must be a baking machine! Well like I said we all really want recipes on the regular oven but who knows if that will actually happen. I hope it does. Otherwise i guess you'll have to play for the fun of just playing.

01-18-14, 12:17 AM
The trick is to cook the same item on multiple ovens ... that's the easiest way to keep food in your bakery, get all the gems for each item, and not have to be a "baking machine". When new ovens come out, try to get at least 14-18 (unless you're one of those people who bought extra ovens with gems) and then make enough food to meet the goals. After you meet the goals and get the prizes, then go back and cook to get the remaining gems. You'd be surprised at how fast you can max them out. Then store the appliances, replace with tables or d?cor, and wait for the new goal. You won't have a reason to cook EVERYDAY. I'm level 99, been playing about a 1.5 years I think .. and it's not difficult. The biggest trick is gifting parts instead of food. I mean, really, it's a "cooking game" - all we do is cook and decorate - why would you gift or want to receive food unless you're a new player trying to build a bakery? And when you have 12,000-33,000 of an item you don't run out fast and the bakery is making money while you sleep ... you make more money from them eating than from $20 tips, so having enough for them to eat is the key to keeping money in your bakery too.

I hope this helps someone! I'm just paying it forward!

01-19-14, 07:22 AM
I invited you on Bakery Story.

01-19-14, 02:51 PM
i just started wondering if you earn any more gems after reaching stage 4. ty for info.

01-19-14, 03:07 PM
i just started wondering if you earn any more gems after reaching stage 4. ty for info.

No you get 2 gems per recipe only.

01-19-14, 03:09 PM
Well you must be a baking machine! Well like I said we all really want recipes on the regular oven but who knows if that will actually happen. I hope it does. Otherwise i guess you'll have to play for the fun of just playing.

I'm not surprised we keep getting new appliances instead of getting new recipes on existing ones. They are trying to make it more challenging by making us have to spend our hard-earned coins to buy new appliances instead of relying on the ones we already have. They felt that the bakery story game was becoming too easy, which partly explains the price hike 1.5 years ago.

01-19-14, 09:31 PM
I'm not surprised we keep getting new appliances instead of getting new recipes on existing ones. They are trying to make it more challenging by making us have to spend our hard-earned coins to buy new appliances instead of relying on the ones we already have. They felt that the bakery story game was becoming too easy, which partly explains the price hike 1.5 years ago.

I recently found the thread about the price hike, and man! Everyone said they quit! I wonder how many came back?

01-19-14, 10:57 PM
I recently found the thread about the price hike, and man! Everyone said they quit! I wonder how many came back?

I've seen a few people who protested and said they'd quit due to the price hike and then eventually came back again. I personally never quit but I was in a more fortunate position as Id done a lot of my baking and mastered many recipes before the price hike. Also bought most of the coin decor before the hike too.

01-19-14, 11:32 PM
I've seen a few people who protested and said they'd quit due to the price hike and then eventually came back again. I personally never quit but I was in a more fortunate position as Id done a lot of my baking and mastered many recipes before the price hike. Also bought most of the coin decor before the hike too.

I started way after it happened! I don't buy gems anyway. I figured people would come back but just not buy gems. Game is too addicting. Anyway, I play both BS and RS and from the beginning I noticed BS was wayyyyyyyyy more expensive for expansions and food etc. NOw I know why lol

01-20-14, 08:56 AM
I've seen a few people who protested and said they'd quit due to the price hike and then eventually came back again. I personally never quit but I was in a more fortunate position as Id done a lot of my baking and mastered many recipes before the price hike. Also bought most of the coin decor before the hike too.

Right around the time of the price hike I had mastered everything in bakery story. When the price hike/sale price drop was implemented (without any warning, mind you) most of my neighbours quit in protest. It became pretty difficult for me to continue to play especially when new appliances were released which required requesting parts from neighbours.

There were, however, other good reasons why I quit the forum and the games.

I started way after it happened! I don't buy gems anyway. I figured people would come back but just not buy gems. Game is too addicting. Anyway, I play both BS and RS and from the beginning I noticed BS was wayyyyyyyyy more expensive for expansions and food etc. NOw I know why lol

I did come back after a while but have never really enjoyed it as before. It isn't really addicting for me, just a way to pass time. I never bought gems for these games and never will. I have seen way too much "unevenness" in the world of TL to do that. Most of the neighbours i had never came back, though. They were excellent, creative neighbours and because the world of TL is not level, they quit and never came back. I have now mastered all the recipes in RS and have only a few in BS to go. I have had to stop cooking in BS because I have far too much food and it is taking forever to sell it all. I now am only making red velvet cake and earl grey tea. I figure at some point I will have to just dump as much of the food as I can and then continue cooking, setting out my food like Groovy does in hopes that it will not pile up again.

The reason TL gave for the changes was that they wanted to bring balance to the economy of the game. Well I am not sure what "balance" in their world means. But I do know that what they achieved with these changes was not balance at all.

01-20-14, 10:23 AM
I was one of those people who said they were going to quit in Sept. 2012. I had been playing for about 18 months at that time, I only had one expansion left. I quit for a while, but then I came back.

When I started playing again... the way I played the game changed. I stopped "cooking for gems" and only made Earl Grey Tea for months and months. I did the math and I knew it would take a minimum of 8 months to save up the 60 million for the last expansion. Its VERY BORING way to play the game. I got so bored, I quit again (for 4 months). I only had 5 million to go but it was so boring I started to hate the game.

Then I came back AGAIN ... Now my bakery is fully expanded, I have all the coins and gems I could ever need. So the game is less of a struggle, but now I have no goals. I'm getting bored AGAIN.

I'm not sure what's worse being a new player who's bored because it takes so long to save up enough to expand or being an old player with nothing to accomplish anymore. The game is definetly "out of balance".

01-20-14, 01:52 PM
I didnt quit with the price hike...I understood that TL has every right to do what they want with their game but I didnt agree with how they gave absolutely no notice. Now it seems like it takes me forever to earn coins and I'm annoyed that there isnt much of a distinction between seniored players and new players (aside from decorations); it just seems that there are so many Level 99 players now

kooky panda
01-20-14, 03:15 PM
Original question has been answered, and now the thread has gone off topic.

There has been a sufficient amount of feedback and discussion on the topic of increased prices on the
Bakery Increase Prices thread. (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?35223-Bakery-Increase-in-Prices&p=409210&viewfull=1#post409210)

These changes will not be reverted at this time and TL believes this is the right decision to improve the game for a long term. If there are changes in the future, TL will visit this topic again and review more feedback.

If you would like to discuss this further, please post a new thread under the
Forum disputes (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?75-Forum-Disputes)forum and the community managers will address any of your concerns.
