View Full Version : Need for more merchandise variety in Newspaper

01-13-14, 02:58 PM
Anything more to offer than EGGS & MILK in the Newspaper? i have spent literally HOURS NON-stop LOOKING FOR apple butter, lemon candles, gold nuggets!! Perhaps more of an incentive for those who are able to make & sell those " hard-to-find-&-i-can't-yet-afford-the-way-overpriced-bldg-to-make-it-myself" items!!!

01-13-14, 03:50 PM
I sell a lot of items (fish recipes,jewelry,candy items,sandwich shop)in my store,as I rarely do the train,and if I do,it's only the six easiest items.if you need a neighbor like me who would rather sell these items than use them for orders,go ahead and add me(warning,I do not sell "rocks",candles,or jams)

01-13-14, 05:33 PM
Thank you for your response and offer.. It's very funny because i've noticed a trend where the train (or even warehouse- however the warehouse orders are more discard-friendly) will order items that i cant make myself and/or are very hard to find- and top it off, sometimes in ridiculous amounts! i have sometimes spent hours on-end (not exaggerating!) looking for applebutter, blackberry candles, catfish sandwiches, just to name a few, either in Newspaper or Neighbors or just random visits. THEN, after I send the train out and am awarded 2 gems, the Newspaper advertises those very items!! im serious! OR will finally be able to buy the bldg (eg: deli, juice maker) & the train will NOT order items asmuch!!

01-13-14, 07:08 PM
If I can be honest, though I am not at the point where I can make what you're looking for (I'm getting there, gradually), I tend not to make certain things except when an order comes in for them and the price is reasonable in relation to the time and effort to make them...and perhaps that is how others feel as well. While it might open up space in our Barns and Silos if we craft the more complex items like fish sandwiches, the items take so long to make that by the time they're ready, we're out of space again.

Whenever I get an order for items that I can't make, I just discard it and wait for the next one to show up. Now that I'm saving up for the Candle Maker, I'm holding onto a couple of orders that ask for a candle, but these are for 400+ coins...anything below that I usually toss.

01-21-14, 05:41 PM
Anything more to offer than EGGS & MILK in the Newspaper? i have spent literally HOURS NON-stop LOOKING FOR apple butter, lemon candles, gold nuggets!! Perhaps more of an incentive for those who are able to make & sell those " hard-to-find-&-i-can't-yet-afford-the-way-overpriced-bldg-to-make-it-myself" items!!!

Feel free to add me if you want. I sell all of those items (aside from the gold) when I'm in "money raising" mode. Currently I'm trying to level up so I sell less of them, but I'll start selling those again likely tomorrow or the next day. I go in shifts, sometimes buying them like crazy and then most of the time selling them.

01-21-14, 07:51 PM
I often sell those items although not the gold too often, please feel free to come by....mommydiner2
Although may have to stop playing soon if they do not fix some issues and increase level (I am level 60)