View Full Version : Locked by Goal...but we can't do it??

01-07-14, 07:32 AM
I understand that if its a time sensitive thing, then if we can no longer access specialty ovens/chairs. What I don't understand is why there are SO many ovens that say, "locked by goal" with no goals to be had. Why is it there if we cannot do it? I feel like its unfair. There's even a "winter oven" and its currently winter, (I've been playing regularly since thanksgiving) yet there's been no goal to unlock it. Does anyone know why this is? Am I missing something?



ID nitemarbeforxmas

01-07-14, 08:08 AM
because you haven't been playing last year and the year before that and before that.. winter oven is from a year ago.

01-07-14, 10:23 AM
Why is it there if we cannot do it? I feel like its unfair. There's even a "winter oven" and its currently winter, (I've been playing regularly since thanksgiving) yet there's been no goal to unlock it. Does anyone know why this is? Am I missing something?

Those ovens (and some decor as well) were the rewards for goals which expired some time ago. Unfortunately they remain in store but locked to you because you never completed the goal...even though you never had the chance to do so. They have to remain in store, however, so that those players who did complete the goals to unlock them can purchase more of them whenever they want to do so.

I, too, wish there was some way to not have them appear in the store with the locked symbol...it is such a tease to see them there and know i will never have them.

01-07-14, 12:57 PM
Yeah, it's disappointing. I had to start over again when I got a new phone, and there were some decorations I was planning on getting, and then I realized that I wasn't going to be able to do the goal that unlocked them.

I guess I can understand ending goals that are tied to a certain time of year, but not the ones that are in no way time sensitive.