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01-01-14, 10:15 AM
And I really wish that TL will make drastic changes in terms of developing the game towards looking a bit more realistic. For instance I hope to see further expansions but not just expansions like the previous ones but expansions that includes 1 level floor with escalators (uk) New customers including families visiting the store, people of all ages, male and female and customers dressing the weekly catalogues. Please TL could you consider these developments especially the expansions as you gave us plenty of displays that are seating in the storage forever. This and more will certainly prevent us from growing bored. Just one more thing could you also go easy on the gems price and money items as last year you were really tough on your prices. Thanks

01-03-14, 01:02 PM
I also wish they would update the blog more often let us know of things coming in the game. It would've been nice to of had a blog update of potiential designs and maybe goals to look forward to this year on the blog. Again something to keep us interested :)

01-04-14, 06:31 PM
A game I used to play had the same predicament, where people had expanded to the limit, therefore not having enough space for all of their purchased and earned items. What the company did for their players was create realms, in essence to fit all your stuff and have different designs. TL should consider something like that to satisfy their customers.

01-08-14, 12:10 PM
We need GOALS period. We haven't had any goals in 6 months nothing for holiday's last one I remember is the sweater goal that was for the 4th of July. BS and RS get goals all the time. It's sad here that we can't have goals more often.

01-23-14, 03:58 PM
We need GOALS period. We haven't had any goals in 6 months nothing for holiday's last one I remember is the sweater goal that was for the 4th of July. BS and RS get goals all the time. It's sad here that we can't have goals more often.

I'm with jojopeanut. I want GOALS!

01-24-14, 12:19 PM
I think it's because FS is now the red-headed step child and the other games are higher on their priority list. I've noticed over at least the last 6 months a big decline in artistic design for not just the catalogs but design items as well and then, of course, there's the absence of goals. Also, releasing items that should have been released earlier with a themed or holiday release, or leftovers in other words.
I have, as well, lost many long time players because the game has gone stagnant of late. Come on, TL, step it up a bit.