View Full Version : Bakery Update 1-1-2014

kooky panda
12-31-13, 03:55 PM
http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt201/fionacheung001/HappyNewYear.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/fionacheung001/media/HappyNewYear.gif.html)

Icicle table - $25,000
Icicle chair - $11,000
Snowflake mirror- 8 gems
Snowflake cookies - 15 gems
Snow couch - $22,500
Icicle counter - 10 gems.

12-31-13, 06:58 PM
I can't wait 2 c what this update brings. I've gotten bored since completing the last challenge in less than a wk and have plans of remodeling my bakery. So TL bring it on, I'm ready for all of it.
Happy New Year everybody.

12-31-13, 09:41 PM
2014! TL, please revamp bs! Bs was once your love child and needs some love and attention. Hoping for goodies since it's a new year. Happy New Years everyone

01-01-14, 03:25 AM
Hmm what I like to see for the new year update....all I can think of are fireworks! LOL though it's the year of the horse, maybe something with a horse icon? Since I'm in New York, usually all there is during New Years are those 2014 glasses, oh and those confetti spreading all over Time Square after the ball drop... Hmm maybe a toast of champion... Hm what else...

01-01-14, 04:38 AM
Well, I just expanded my bakery, so I'm looking for cool things for my bakery.

01-01-14, 04:45 AM
New appliances and recipes!!!!!

01-01-14, 07:01 AM
I guess they will with the winter updates

01-01-14, 10:25 AM
Just revamped my bakery, can't wait for today's update! Something good I hope!

01-01-14, 10:30 AM
I don't have anything in particular in mind, so I should be happy with whatever they release this week. I have no goals (except for downloads, which I don't want to do) so a new set would be nice as well as some cute decor.

01-01-14, 11:22 AM
I was expecting a 40% off gems sale and limited items for sale in decoration tab

I guess not.. Lets see what update brings

01-01-14, 11:51 AM
I was expecting a 40% off gems sale and limited items for sale in decoration tab

I guess not.. Lets see what update brings

So was I. I was very, very disappointed. :(

I am actually very reluctant to spend my last itunes gift card because I won't be buying gems for a while and if a big sale like that does come up, I don't want to miss it.

01-01-14, 11:51 AM
Is it out?

01-01-14, 11:54 AM
Is it out?

Nothing yet... when does it usually come out?

01-01-14, 12:07 PM
Wow this update is so lame!

Can a mod or someone else explain why we get new recipes on regular appliances in RS, but NEVER in BS? What are players to do when they master everything? Wait till they have new goals? Well not all players participate in every goal. This is ridiculious! :mad:

01-01-14, 12:10 PM
Icicle table - $25,000
Icicle chair - $11,000
Snowflake mirror- 8 gems
Snowflake cookies - 15 gems
Snow couch - $22,500
Icicle counter - 10 gems.

edit(KP) added to post 1

01-01-14, 12:17 PM
Kind of disappointed this week.The icicle table and chair look too much like the snowy ones that I have plenty of, so I'm not bothering. The mirror is cute, but I am out of gems sadly.

I -might-get a couple of the couches. They may work year round since they look sort of like plain overstuffed white couches to me.

01-01-14, 12:24 PM
I like the chairs, tables, and couch! I only wish the couches could be rotated in all directions.

After expanding and a few new items I'm broke. :(

01-01-14, 12:36 PM
The icicle table and chair are alright, I bought 6 of each just to have. They're a little dull looking and kind of blend in too much with my flooring/wallpaper in my little snowy section. I actually wanted some good gem item decor, but that table thing doesn't seem worth it for 15 gems. I have a feeling I'll be spending my gems on expansions or boxes which I would have rather not done. Oh well, I've been saving these gems for so long they're screaming at me to spend them!

01-01-14, 12:40 PM
The couch is cool. I like the tables. Might get a few. Otherwise not a whole lot. But hey, these updates were out on time :)

01-01-14, 12:55 PM
Got the snow couch. It is cute, though I already have another white couch in the teacup loveseat. I'd like the snowflake mirror if it were less than 8 gems. Other stuff, not that attractive. What's with the candles on the snowflake cookies? They're okay with Halloween items, but I don't think they look good with other themes. If you must have candles, the way to go would be similar to the cranberry ones from Thanksgiving in glass containers (which I still have displayed), those look classy rather than messy.

01-01-14, 02:34 PM
Why no more new recipies on regular ovens. I am almost done cooking.......then I can do nothing else but stop playing. Gets boring. Or give us a new oven now and then, like you used to do TL. And not only with goals

01-01-14, 06:28 PM
I'm really disappointed. I was really hoping 4 something 2 help w my total remodel, well zero-zilch-nada. I guess it's back into storage and pulling out old stuff.
I really loved the RS update. I totally went wild w my remodel there. They brought in New Years in style. I wish I knew how 2 post the pics of that area of my bistro to show it off cuz I went gem happy. I don't understand y TL insisted on going w idles here when New Years is celebrated world wide. It just makes no sense, but then again I've got to remind myself who I'm dealing w and that most of the time what they do never makes sense.
I sure hope that they give us a valentine challenge long b4 it gets here.

01-01-14, 07:32 PM
Another weak, disappointing update I'm afraid. I'm also disappointed that they didn't bring back the 40% sale considering many players expressed their interest in purchasing gems if they had another sale, so TL, I guess that's your loss. There is so much the design team could do with winter decor, so it worries me all they could come up with is a measly table with cookies & candles on it for 15 gems and a giant snowflake mirror for 8 gems. Come on guys, really? Also, why does RS get a new year's update and we don't? New year's is a holiday celebrated around the entire world, so why do we get nothing for that yet we get president's day, st. Patricks day, cinco de mayo updates which aren't celebrated around the world?? I don't get it whatsoever, but it doesn't really matter because I stopped purchasing gems partly because of this nonsense and hardly even play these days because the game is so boring.

01-01-14, 07:49 PM
Totally underwhelmed with this update. I feel like BS is no longer the focus, what with all the new games they're dishing out and these updates are just their token way of keeping customers satisfied with any new content. It almost looks like they slapped this together at the last minute with no real creative thought. I'm not normally one to complain about content but this update isn't very attractive.

01-01-14, 09:27 PM
This game gets boring because they don't EVER come out with recipes on regular appliances! So when players master everything or don't do a set of goals they don't have ANYTHING to bake. I want a explanation why TL stopped coming out with recipes? They still come out with recipes in RS, it makes no sense at all.......why TL, you need to explain this! :confused:

01-01-14, 09:52 PM
This game gets boring because they don't EVER come out with recipes on regular appliances! So when players master everything or don't do a set of goals they don't have ANYTHING to bake. I want a explanation why TL stopped coming out with recipes? They still come out with recipes in RS, it makes no sense at all.......why TL, you need to explain this! :confused:

Once I've sold all my food (probably 6 months from now!) and don't have any new recipes to bake, I will be making only the high coin yielding recipes like red velvet cake and jasmine tea. This way I can still bake something, and earn coins fast for decorating, while waiting for new recipes to come out.

01-01-14, 10:06 PM
Nice update, I like everything and bought just about everything, including the cookie table, since it reminded me of the winter display, I set it right beside it.

01-02-14, 01:19 AM
wow.. i didn't like anything. that saves all my coins and gems for another week .lol

01-02-14, 01:28 AM
I'm extremely disappointed with the updates. There were two sales on 2012, but we only gotten one which was during BF 2013. You know most of us are hoping for a Christmas sale with past LTO, decorations and gem sales. We patiently waited for the sales from Christmas all the way till New Year. Eagerly hoping to see a nice sales during every updates week and there goes our disappointment. Let alone, not having new recipe on the regular appliance where else RS got it almost every updates.

How about sparing some though for long time players who have already mastered all the recipes on all the appliances available to them? You know it's kinda boring baking the same old rvc for days, weeks, months and even years! :( I'm glad none of my customers are complaining about my ages old rvc. =p

01-02-14, 08:44 AM
Once I've sold all my food (probably 6 months from now!) and don't have any new recipes to bake, I will be making only the high coin yielding recipes like red velvet cake and jasmine tea. This way I can still bake something, and earn coins fast for decorating, while waiting for new recipes to come out.

Yes I know that's what you can do, but that gets very old fast! No excitement in that. TL needs to change and start coming out with recipes on regular appliances! I have NBRS who rarely play because they get so bored with making mastered recipes. So weeks will go by before they even come back.

01-02-14, 10:41 AM
I'm extremely disappointed with the updates. There were two sales on 2012, but we only gotten one which was during BF 2013. You know most of us are hoping for a Christmas sale with past LTO, decorations and gem sales. We patiently waited for the sales from Christmas all the way till New Year. Eagerly hoping to see a nice sales during every updates week and there goes our disappointment. Let alone, not having new recipe on the regular appliance where else RS got it almost every updates.

How about sparing some though for long time players who have already mastered all the recipes on all the appliances available to them? You know it's kinda boring baking the same old rvc for days, weeks, months and even years! :( I'm glad none of my customers are complaining about my ages old rvc. =p

The funny thing is, I'm sure there are a lot of players who got gift cards for Christmas or had money to spend, so another 40% sale would have been perfect! But TL lost out on a lot of money for not giving us another sale like last year, so in the end it really is their loss. I stopped purchasing gems last year and black Friday was the first time I had purchased gems since last spring time, so I was only willing to buy with the big sale because it was a good bargain and I got things I wanted for a long time. If they would have given us another 40% sale I would have happily bought again, but this is another wrong move they have pulled that has put me off from ever purchasing gems because it's a waste for me. Why should I give to a company who have made it loud and clear they don't care about what their customers would like to see, they don't bother with our feedback, they don't listen to us period. Also, this whole not giving us recipes on regular ovens/drink machine is such a joke! Bakery doesn't get treated fairly at all and by not giving us recipes on regular ovens/drink machine they're saying they don't care about us long time players who literally have nothing to do and they don't care about the longevity of the game and that is why I refuse to purchase gems on a regular basis because they have done nothing to prove to any of us that they deserve our money. I just look back at our Christmas updates and laugh because they were so terrible (to me) and I enjoyed the Autumn updates a lot more because they catered to ALL of their players by giving a fair amount of gem and coin content. Why can't every update be like that? I don't understand. All I know is if nothing changes soon, I think it will finally be time to walk away because I'm holding on to a game because I've spent so much money on it, but it doesn't make me happy anymore because it's just not exciting nor fair anymore and I spend more time taking little breaks rather than actually playing. At this rate I feel like TL are laughing at us because this all feels like one massive joke.

01-02-14, 06:02 PM
2014! TL, please revamp bs! Bs was once your love child and needs some love and attention. Hoping for goodies since it's a new year. Happy New Years everyone

Here here!
It looks like they've forgotten about it though :-(

01-02-14, 07:54 PM
"The funny thing is, I'm sure there are a lot of players who got gift cards for Christmas or had money to spend, so another 40% sale would have been perfect! But TL lost out on a lot of money for not giving us another sale like last year, so in the end it really is their loss."

VERY true in my case ashrb. I have a $50 gift card I haven't even used yet and the 80 gems I had saved up I spent on boxes because there was nothing else worth purchasing. Kind of annoying when that happens because we all know how boxes go. I'd really rather spend my money on something more than a gambling purchase of a box or an expansion. The christmas items were completely underwhelming as well.

01-03-14, 09:09 AM
LOVE the snow couch! And for coins!! Thanks. :)

01-03-14, 09:11 AM
I so wish they could change the date on my 2012 new year bear. :rolleyes: looks kind of silly in my bakery.

01-04-14, 08:14 PM
I was thinking the same thing ive cooked everything except some goal items that wont unlock... I need more stoves & receipes soon...

01-04-14, 09:52 PM
Brought the couch..rest was passable

01-06-14, 07:51 AM
This game is getting so boring.

01-06-14, 10:44 AM
This game is getting so boring.

Lol. Really ? Why?

01-07-14, 07:03 PM
Nothing new, updates suck, the Christmas decorations that we actually did get were lame...TL just doesnt care about this game anymore