View Full Version : To slow to move on big islands when visiting neighbours.

12-22-13, 06:48 PM
I noticed when visiting other people island and when they have much space and big islands, Dragon Storys Crashes most of the time, and it is really hard to move around and even play with the dragon.. with other neigbours who dont have such big islands there is no problem at all, why is that so?
Is this fault from my internet provider or a issue from the team lava server?

12-23-13, 05:20 PM
It could be a device issue. I lagged really bad when I was on my ipod touch. Then I transferred to an Iphone 4s with iOS 7 and it runs smoothly now. Android is also known to have lagging. It could also be a connection problem.

01-14-14, 04:46 PM
I dont know if it is my android system to blame, or my internet connection only nightclub story and dragon story are giving me a hard time, of items dissapear in nightclub storys, and dragon story slows down when i visit big islands from other neighbours, but my internet connection is now better than before, so it is certainly not my internet.
What can i do if my handy is to blame???
Get a new handy is no option for me i dont have the money for doing so..