View Full Version : Unwanted gifts

12-19-13, 09:58 PM
How do I get rid of gifts that I have accepted but now don't want?

12-19-13, 10:01 PM
what means they my cash register is blocked

12-19-13, 11:49 PM
How do I get rid of gifts that I have accepted but now don't want?

If you accepted parts you can hope that you will need them later to build appliances, but you cannot delete them. You do not need to be afraid that you will not have enough storage room:)
If you accepted food/ drinks you can use them and get rid of them that way.

12-19-13, 11:53 PM
what means they my cash register is blocked

First: it is better to start a new thread if you have another question as the original poster as it raises your chances that your question is answered:)

If your neighbors wrote this they mean that customers cannot reach your cash register and will leave with " broken hearts". They will not buy and will not sit down.
Your cash register can be blocked through a chair or decoration, sometimes you cannot see it until you move your furniture a bit around.
Hope this is what you meant.:)