View Full Version : Mr Snowman goal disappeared

12-13-13, 07:20 PM
Hi I've emailed in my problem but received a reply suggesting I ask on here so here goes :)
I had 7 pieces of coal and was waiting to get the rest but the next time I loaded the game the goal had disappeared. I've unlocked the mission that needs you to build the oven but it's not registering that I've completed the snowman so the oven isn't unlocked. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks

12-16-13, 04:50 PM
Hey lana5262, did you choose to skip the goal's requirement? That might explain how it disappeared but you still might have completed it. Hope this helps!

12-18-13, 08:44 AM
My Mr. Snowman disapppeared as well, and I am positive I did not pay gems to skip it. Now I can't get the snowman counters to complete Snowed In. :(

12-18-13, 01:43 PM
I was able to take a quick look at both of your accounts and see the Mr. Snowman goal was completed, and the Snowman Counters were unlocked. Are any of you still having any problems with these goals?