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View Full Version : Absentee alliance leader

12-12-13, 08:56 AM
When i joined months ago it was arbitrary and unimportant; now a bunch of us have grown rather friendly w each other, but our "leader" hasnt signed on in months. Is there a way to politely transfer power? Im not an insurgent, i swear

12-12-13, 11:58 AM
I've passed this along to our game team for consideration. In the meantime, if you have several active members, you can branch off to form your own Alliance. :)

12-13-13, 12:37 AM
Thank u Frozen this is an issue to be considered. Alliances need member who will be second in command, so if leader is offline or suddenly gone missing will do the duty. Lets say senior elder, or deputy, who will be able to give a boot. No leader can be online all day long, so senior elder can boot abusive addition to the clan. Managing ally still will be problem for leaderless clan and the best solution is starting up a new alliance, but elder with a kick ability is a must for every clan

12-13-13, 10:08 AM
I agree.

01-17-14, 02:21 PM
I don't want to start a new alliance. We have about 25 active members, but only 3 of us go on the chat, so it's unlikely that we'd be able to say "everyone ready, go" and start a new alliance. Since it's been MONThs since our leader (who has logged a total of FOUR battles) disappeared, I request that someone can just make another one of us "leader". We don't have any elders. Please let me know how to shift power.