View Full Version : quest/tasks that needed to be completed

12-06-13, 01:50 PM
Sorry if this was posted in the wrong spit. Anyway, what's the point of tasks and or quest that you need gems in order to complete? There should be a way around this. I started the game on friday. My friend introduced me to the game since she has been playing awhile.

Anyho, I have two tasks I can not complete because it cost gems. I dont even have the gems to skip the tasks. One thing I need to do is cross breed a dalmation and golden retriver which to do that cost 13 gems. Another one is a Maltese(sorry if spelling is off) and some other pet. To just buy the dog cost gems. Can't imagine how much they would want to cross breed it. Im certainly not going to buy gems to complete this.

Anyone else agree there should be away around this?

12-06-13, 01:53 PM
oops I meant spot not spit. Im on my phone and pressed the submit or whatever button on accident.

12-06-13, 02:55 PM
Wait until you get to the goal with the frogs and it wants you to have a family of 4 dogs for 149 gems for each pet.

As you continue playing you will get goals to download and play other games and you can earn gems that way.

01-01-14, 03:02 AM
Well.. Yes. I had a goal that said: "Breed a Labradoodle." Labradoodle is crossbreed of Labrador Retriever and Poodle. The Labrador costs 21 gems and you need gems to breed it with the Poodle.
And I still haven't finished the goal which says: "Breed a Malchi", Maltese+ Chihuahua (the Maltese is 7 gems and I think you need gems to breed it)! I'm on level 32 still haven't done that goal!!!