View Full Version : eggs

12-03-13, 01:49 PM
how many dragon eggs have you collected since getting the forgotten roost?

12-03-13, 01:57 PM
Just the one. And it took me long enough getting that hatched so I am not looking for any more.

12-03-13, 01:57 PM
I got one when the quest first appeared and had a second drop a few days ago, but still waiting on the burning ember.

12-03-13, 02:27 PM
Two total. Took a while for the 2nd one, had a burning ember in inventory for weeks while waiting. No ember or egg from the roost (manticore either) in over 2 months.

I collect from the Roost every time it's available, and adventure through the Desert several times a week looking for another ember.

12-03-13, 02:37 PM
I just got another manticore egg today. Incubating now.
Still looking for that elusive ember for 2nd dragon egg that I've had for months now.

12-03-13, 02:43 PM
Just the one

12-03-13, 03:05 PM
Just one dragon egg and one manticore egg so far.

12-03-13, 03:19 PM
2 hatched and one unhatched in my inventory

12-03-13, 03:34 PM
Just one dragon egg and one burning ember to date.

12-03-13, 04:20 PM
4 manticore and 1 dragon in about a half year:-)

12-08-13, 10:54 PM
I got another dragon egg today. Perhaps I will be one of the lucky ones who find an ember on the new Polaris adventure, because I can't stomach the thought of making more sweet feasts.

12-08-13, 11:20 PM
I've had the roost for about a month & have found one dragon egg so far. :-)

12-09-13, 12:04 PM
I got the manticore egg quicklyand hatched it no sweat. Then i got the dragon egg. But still waiting for the ten books from the lbrary. Will the burning ember not drop for me till it is requested? Shame, if polaris really does bring it on.....

12-09-13, 12:39 PM
4 manticore and 1 dragon, the manticores all came within a month or so of them first being released.