View Full Version : I have not been getting chains from hatching.

12-01-13, 10:26 PM
It's been about 5 days, I think, since I got a single chain from hatching dragons. I've been breeding constantly during that time as well as buying extra eggs to fill my second nest. The drop rate was bad to begin with (I calculated 17%), but then it went to zero. I only have 4/13 chains, with no hope of getting Steampunk in time. I think there must be a bug going on, and I think TL should fix it and give us more time.

12-02-13, 01:41 AM
Other people are reporting similar issues here (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?61795-Dragon-Summoning-Magnetic-and-Steampunk(IOS)-v1-7-3-required)