View Full Version : Can anyone please help me? :)

11-26-13, 05:58 PM
I really would like to have a diamond dragon. Like extremely badly heehee...does anyone know how to breed one? Any tips would be much appreciated! Thanks!!!

11-26-13, 06:04 PM
The four basic colors in the breeding den - red, blue, green, and yellow - is what I've always heard. Firestorm and Island, for instance (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AirojqZymHCpdDlXNjlQb0dSczJteTJaWWdlNy1VZ FE&gid=2).

11-26-13, 06:21 PM
There is a diamond breeding thread. Good Luck. I'm level 125 and still don't have a diamond.

kooky panda
11-26-13, 06:21 PM
You can find out more on the
Diamond Dragon (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?54321-Diamond-Dragon-Part-III&highlight=diamond+dragon)thread.