View Full Version : Same food on different counters

11-26-13, 06:57 AM
hi everybody,

is there any way to avoid same food on different counters? i have to store my counters, because i dont want 5 counters with f. e. the same cupcakes. i usually have only 4-6 counters at all, but all with different food and i dont want to wait, till "the chief placed..."

so, is there any way to change this behaviour of the game? will it ever be? i dont like bakeries with 30 counters and/or same food on them.

11-26-13, 07:45 AM
Reduce the number of counters you have. Have only one available counter to fit the (insert cooked item here) on it. You can always add more when you need them.

11-26-13, 01:19 PM
or increase variety of foods))

or use up all the counters and then add one more food from the gift box (that's not yet there)
but there's no point actually to have free counters in the bakery, unless you run it open overnight you need quite many occupied counters to sell at max rate

11-27-13, 07:13 AM
i play bakery and restaurant story. in bs its easy to find my counter. in rs i'm using the modern counter (dont remember the name). i have to scroll and scroll and scroll to find it und put it out again. its not fun to store und put back counters, just because same kind of food wont be placed by default on different counters. :/

anyway: thx for answering :)

11-27-13, 09:06 AM
Well, I have same food in different counters, because I am trying to expand and need a lot of cash or gems. I have 25 counter all with Red Velvet cakes. In a few days I have almost the amount of money I need to expand.

11-27-13, 10:20 AM
I try to keep the counters with the least food in one area so I can keep an eye on when they clear. They then go into storage until I need them. If I miss one and end up with two counters of the same food, I use one of my gifted food items to force them onto one counter.

11-27-13, 11:41 PM
The point you are making, I totally agree with it. I think all the food should go to the same counter, if the food already exists on a counter. I'm sure you're aware the chef will combine the counters, if you make a new food.

Until that behavior is changed (don't hold your breath) your only choice is to have the chef combine the food to one counter automatically.

In your scenario, you have 25 counters of red velvet cake. Remove all empty counters.
Make a quick 1 minute recipe, French Toast for example. Once you serve it, there is no empty counters, so it will force the chef to combine all the cakes to 1 counter.

Now you have all Red Velvet on one counter and Brownies on another one and all other counters are empty. Put all those empty counters away. And when the brownies run out (should be quickly) put that counter away too. Next time you serve your red cake, it will go and merge with the same counter that already has the cakes. Next time you cook something different, bring out an empty counter for that food. As long as there are no empty counters, and you make a food that already exists on another counter, it will merge with that counters' food.

There is a very vague note on the games Main menu (Help/FAQ) button about the Chef combining food (under the category "Serving Food")

11-28-13, 10:34 AM
I always combined my food and had as little amount of counters as possible. I find it hard to expand in bakery so was trying suggestions on the forum about putting out multiple counters of 10 coin food. This really does work and now I have multiples of the 10 coin items. I already had the lower return food stockpiled on 1 counter each. I cook every other day the 10 coin foods. When they are ready, I put out 2 counters and serve 3 (so 1 counter has double) then repeat until everything served. These counters last 1 day for 1 serving and 2 days for 2 servings while my stockpiled counters deplete slowly. I am making almost a million a week doing this. I agree it's nicer looking to not have these multiple counters, but until I can get some expansions done this will have to do.