View Full Version : Christmas 2012 Items??

11-25-13, 07:21 AM
Ok so I'm starting to re decorate for christmas but I can't find the chairs/floor tiles and wallpaper I used last year in my bakery. I can only find the pile of presents and rewards from last year goals. But a few neighbours have got the floor tiles everything. So frustrating that I need to wait for the christmas update for the tables and chairs etc etc

11-25-13, 11:10 AM
I am having the same problem..For me, though (so far, anyway), it's the Thanksgiving tables that are missing. I bought a bunch of them last year (along with the chairs). Well, I have the chairs, but the tables are not in the inventory. I wrote to TL about this a few days ago, and have not received a reply yet.

11-25-13, 02:53 PM
All the Christmas decorations are still there in RS but not Bakery hmm weird. Where has everything gone???

11-25-13, 03:08 PM
this happened to me LAST year for 2011 items. i sent three emails to no avail.

11-25-13, 03:46 PM
All of my Christmas decor is there, but I am on last year's Christmas version.

11-26-13, 02:26 AM
All of my Christmas decor is there, but I am on last year's Christmas version.

Is this still avaliable to download?

11-26-13, 03:57 AM
Not for iOS users because ios7 doesn't support those versions.

11-26-13, 10:07 AM
I wrote to TL about 6 days ago, about my missing Thanksgiving tables (from last year). As yet, I have not received a reply!

11-29-13, 06:20 AM
We have 8 different devices with 3 different users in our household and have been playing RS/BS for at least 4 years. 95% of all of the Christmas decorative items are gone from all devices. Wallpaper, wall items, tables, chairs, counters, and free standing decorations.

I was planning on buying gems for all devices today so if any of the devices crashed and we couldn't retrieve our status information , we would be able to restore our games with the last purchased/credit card information. I figured Black Friday 100 gems on each device would be easy to remember if we had any crashes. Glad I noticed the missing items before I made the purchases. We've already spent quite a bit on these games over the years but now that I know purchased items may not remain in inventory after purchase, I don't want to spend any more.

Actually, not sure we want to play any of the games anymore, what's the point of playing if things can just disappear, KWIM?

11-29-13, 12:23 PM
'but now that I know purchased items may not remain in inventory after purchase, I don't want to spend any more.'
That's just insane, TL should definitely do something about this. Why spend money if the items you purchase disappear?