View Full Version : A way to know what troops will show up

11-23-13, 03:43 PM
There needs to be a way to know exactly which troops will show up for a battle prior to pushing the attack button. Otherwise we have to attack easy prey, then click "go home" and try again - over and over until we get the troop configuration that we want. I am sick of having to go through this process every time I donate troops and every time I start playing. The troops that we train are not the same as the ones we get in battle, that has to change.

11-23-13, 05:18 PM
There needs to be a way to know exactly which troops will show up for a battle prior to pushing the attack button. Otherwise we have to attack easy prey, then click "go home" and try again - over and over until we get the troop configuration that we want. I am sick of having to go through this process every time I donate troops and every time I start playing. The troops that we train are not the same as the ones we get in battle, that has to change.

I am not entirely sure what you keen by that, the troops you train ARE the troops you go into battle with. Make sure that you have not already filled your barracks when training troops you want to use immediately. To check which troops you will be able to use in battle, click on the army barracks and hit the 'troops' button. Hope this helps.

11-24-13, 07:16 AM
Let's get a few things straight.

What troops will be available on the battlefield?
Check the Army Post. Tap any Post, and the TROOPS button will show you exactly what troops you have on hand, collectively; i.e., it will show what is housed in total (you won't get a post-by-post breakdown). These are exactly the same troops - type and number - that you will see at the bottom of your screen when you are out on the battlefields, with possibly one addition - the portal unit. On the battlefield, the portal unit will be to the far right of the troop selection bar.

Which troops are queued up to enter the Army Posts?
Check the Barracks. Tap any Barracks and the TRAIN button will show you all your barracks with a separate queue for each one. The troops clustered to the left side of each queue are the ones who will enter your Army Posts next. You can change the order of the queue by removing any cluster that's in front of the ones you want next. That will bump the wanted troops toward the front (left side) of the queue. You can then add back the troops you removed so that they go to the back (right side) of the queues.

What happens when you donate?
Donations go out from your Army Posts. Beware that if your Barracks has troops training and you donate to your allies, troops will drop in from the Barracks to replace the ones that went out from the Posts. This will often happen INSTANTLY. Likewise, if you are training troops while you battle, any ready troops will drop into the Army Posts as soon as you return home, with others close on their heels.

How to manage troop replacements?
Get into the habit of checking both the Army Post and the Barracks as you head out to battle, to ensure that troop replacement goes the way you want upon your return. Also, if you want to keep the same configuration in your Army Post, make sure the Barracks is either empty before you donate or that the troops at the front (left side) of the queue are the ones you are donating. Alternately, you can use donations as an opportunity to change the configuration of your ready troops by adjusting the Barracks queues to replace your donated troops with a different type.

Finally, take note that troops don't entirely come out of the Barracks in the same order you entered them, otherwise your queue for each Barracks would be too long. The system will automatically cluster troops by type. That means if you add a Bear when other Bears are already being trained, that Bear may not join the back of the line; it may jump the line to join other Bears already there. The system also tries to use all available Barracks space, so 60 Thieves will likely be spread into clusters, but no more than one cluster in each queue.