View Full Version : New dragon summoning...here then gone...goals still there?!?

11-22-13, 05:56 PM
I had the second icon in the upper right for a new dragon summoning. The magnetic (goal name "How do they work?") and steampunk (goal name "Goggles and Gears") dragons.

Then my game "refreshed", the icon was gone and the goals still remain. The goals that remained said "14 days". I installed the newest DS from app store released Nov. 20/13 as I was experiencing issues it is designed to correct. Now the goals say "10 days".

Also, the icon is still missing from the upper right where my tournament trophy icon remains and the goals say "earn parts by completing tasks". I remember the original tasks were similar to last time, harvest crops, perform quests and hatch dragons.

So I planted eliteleeks which worked great last time and harvested them 5 hours later - NOTHING. During tournaments I usually just do firapples to time them with my battles.

Hatched two dragons - NOTHING.

No quests exist specific to this task like the witch-hat one last time.

Why does TL always release new tasks/goals etc. without FIXING THE BUGS that have existed for so long in these games? It makes it difficult to enjoy the games and know what you should be trying to accomplish within the game at the same time.

Frustrating to the Nth degree!

[S8] Elsa
11-22-13, 06:03 PM
Please update your base game to version 1.7.3. This version is required to participate in Dragon Summoning.

11-22-13, 06:06 PM
Since you can't edit posts I needed to add a new one to this thread.

It should be noted this all happened BEFORE updating from DS Halloween to the latest release of DS as recommended in another thread. I had hoped that maybe it would've reappeared in this version but no go.

11-22-13, 06:07 PM
Please update your base game to version 1.7.3. This version is required to participate in Dragon Summoning.

I guess we were posting near the same time ... that IS the version now installed and summoning has not reappeared, just the loss of 4 days on the goals as mentioned in the original post.

11-22-13, 07:45 PM
Recieving same problem. I updated earlier before I started summons so I know that's not the problem. Last 2 times I tried to summon all goals were complete but I wasn't Recieving all my credits for harvesting. Happening again.

11-24-13, 02:23 PM
My summoning has gone too?!! I had 16 parts too, but now it's gone.
Really want the purple dragon too!!!

kooky panda
11-24-13, 02:34 PM
My summoning has gone too?!! I had 16 parts too, but now it's gone.
Really want the purple dragon too!!!
Make sure you are playing on the regular dragon game or the halloween version. Check the iTunes store to make sure you do not have any pending updates.