View Full Version : Recipes!

11-19-13, 09:56 AM
Hi all,

Just a quick question! Lets take the Fruit Salad recipes for example, at the bottom of the recipe, there is a chef hat, and there is a bar and it shows a number 4. Anyone know what do these numbers mean and what does the bar represent? Thank you so much!

[S8] Elsa
11-19-13, 11:23 AM
Those are item masteries, which can be leveled up to 4. Levels 2 and 4 award a Gem when completed! :)

11-20-13, 12:49 AM
I was confused when I started out. You begin at Level 0 not 1. But the bar shows a 1 at the end of the bar. So the number at the end of the bar doesn't show your current level. That number represents the level you are currently working TOWARDS. So when it gets full, you are level 1. The bar will reset and show a 2 and the end. You are now working on level 2.

Nothing special happens when you completely master it, no bonus or nothing like that. So whats the point of trying to master the recipe? From what PonyRoar stated. At Level 2 and 4 you get one gem as a reward. Gems are good :) Don't ever, ever spend gems on finishing up cooking something on stove, save them to go shopping in the market. Don't be too quick to spend them either, save them up for a while.

How many times you need to cook the recipe to level (Info Devrived from http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23835-How-many-Cooking-sessions-to-Master-each-recipe)

Level 0-1 = 8 times
Level 1-2 = 15
Level 2-3 = 20
Level 3-4 = 40

Add them up and its 83 times to master a recipe

11-20-13, 09:39 AM
Thank you so much!
Those are item masteries, which can be leveled up to 4. Levels 2 and 4 award a Gem when completed! :)

11-20-13, 09:40 AM
Thank you so much!
I was confused when I started out. You begin at Level 0 not 1. But the bar shows a 1 at the end of the bar. So the number at the end of the bar doesn't show your current level. That number represents the level you are currently working TOWARDS. So when it gets full, you are level 1. The bar will reset and show a 2 and the end. You are now working on level 2.

Nothing special happens when you completely master it, no bonus or nothing like that. So whats the point of trying to master the recipe? From what PonyRoar stated. At Level 2 and 4 you get one gem as a reward. Gems are good :) Don't ever, ever spend gems on finishing up cooking something on stove, save them to go shopping in the market. Don't be too quick to spend them either, save them up for a while.

How many times you need to cook the recipe to level (Info Devrived from http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23835-How-many-Cooking-sessions-to-Master-each-recipe)

Level 0-1 = 8 times
Level 1-2 = 15
Level 2-3 = 20
Level 3-4 = 40

Add them up and its 83 times to master a recipe